2022-06-21-Session Simon Xufeng Duan SENTENCE NUMBER: 1 *ye ngio' anak laki ine nyala' ti ledo ine yɨ ŋioʔ anak laki inɨ N-salaʔ ti ləɗo inɨ 3s think child man that, medial N-wrong do woman that, medial *She1 thinks the son blame the woman1 SENTENCE NUMBER: 2 *ye lo' ngio' anak laki ine nyala' ti ledo ine yɨ loʔ ŋioʔ anak laki inɨ N-salaʔ ti ləɗo inɨ 3s reflexive think child man that, medial N-wrong do woman that, medial *Herself1 thinks the son blame the woman1. SENTENCE NUMBER: 3 Anak ne nyala' ti John anak =nɨ N-salaʔ ti child =3s.gen N-wrong do His1 son blames John1. SENTENCE NUMBER: 4 *ye lo' nyala' ti John yɨ loʔ N-salaʔ ti 3s reflexive N-wrong do *Himself1 blames John1