Transcription 00:00:00.000 00:00:02.350 %ignore% Transcription 00:00:02.350 00:00:08.675 Okay, okay, so in the past, you've given me the word suka for to like. Transcription 00:00:08.675 00:00:09.600 Yeah. Transcription 00:00:09.600 00:00:14.050 Um, how would I say, she likes cooking, or she likes to cook? Transcription 00:00:14.050 00:00:18.925 She likes to cook, she likes to cook, okay, I can just say... Transcription 00:00:18.925 00:00:21.063 yoh suka bərapuy Transcription 00:00:21.063 00:00:26.963 yoh suka bərapuy Transcription 00:00:26.963 00:00:28.063 bərapuy? Transcription 00:00:28.063 00:00:33.063 Yeah, b, r, a, p, u, i, bərapuy. Transcription 00:00:33.063 00:00:34.738 And what's bərapuy? Transcription 00:00:34.738 00:00:39.038 bərapuy is to cook, yeah, and I, you can see the word... Transcription 00:00:39.038 00:00:39.563 puy Transcription 00:00:39.563 00:00:41.963 in it, that's the word fire. Transcription 00:00:41.963 00:00:43.175 That's the word for fire? Okay. Transcription 00:00:43.175 00:00:53.350 Yeah, so bərapuy is like to cook, yes, but the literal meaning would be to fire, to fire, as a verb, yeah. Transcription 00:00:53.350 00:00:56.938 Okay, okay. Transcription 00:00:56.938 00:00:58.400 Or we can say... Transcription 00:00:58.400 00:01:00.263 yoh dəras bərapuy Transcription 00:01:00.263 00:01:05.913 And this is actually what I often heard when people say that. Transcription 00:01:05.913 00:01:06.438 dəras Transcription 00:01:06.438 00:01:10.438 means, uh, dəra-, d, r, a, s, or maybe d, e, r, a, s, dəras. Transcription 00:01:10.438 00:01:11.638 dəras? Transcription 00:01:11.638 00:01:15.833 Yeah, so, dəras means strong. Transcription 00:01:15.833 00:01:20.063 But it can also mean, like, always or often, like, she often cook. Transcription 00:01:20.063 00:01:21.425 Okay. Transcription 00:01:21.425 00:01:29.238 And somehow it is associated with liking, so, if, yeah, so if I like to read, people will say... Transcription 00:01:29.238 00:01:32.388 yoh dəras basa buk Transcription 00:01:32.388 00:01:38.150 Okay, okay, so... Transcription 00:01:38.150 00:01:43.800 yoh dəras, uh, what was the rest of that, something buk? Transcription 00:01:43.800 00:01:45.625 Yeah, basa, basa buk. Transcription 00:01:45.625 00:01:46.200 basa buk? Transcription 00:01:46.200 00:01:49.075 Yeah, basa is the word for read, yeah. Transcription 00:01:49.075 00:01:52.938 And that would be like, she or he likes reading books? Transcription 00:01:52.938 00:01:53.713 Yeah. Transcription 00:01:53.713 00:01:55.638 Okay. Transcription 00:01:55.638 00:01:58.800 And you said dəras means strong? Transcription 00:01:58.800 00:02:07.063 Yeah, means, it means strong, I think that's the literal meaning, strong, but then it's being used as, like... Transcription 00:02:07.063 00:02:10.000 Like a word for often or always. Transcription 00:02:10.000 00:02:10.563 Okay. Transcription 00:02:10.563 00:02:13.413 yoh dəras, yeah, often or always. Transcription 00:02:13.413 00:02:20.138 So could I use it, um, like to describe a person, like in the strong meaning? So, like, um... Transcription 00:02:20.138 00:02:23.638 nak dəras, like a strong child? Transcription 00:02:23.638 00:02:24.175 Yeah. Transcription 00:02:24.175 00:02:24.838 That's okay? Transcription 00:02:24.838 00:02:27.538 dəras, yeah, yeah. Transcription 00:02:27.538 00:02:35.113 I was gonna do like, strong, like, man, but the first word that came to mind was child, so I was like, well that was easy, I was like, a little bit weird, but... Transcription 00:02:35.113 00:02:44.038 h yeah hh okay, okay. Transcription 00:02:44.038 00:02:51.288 Um, okay, so I could say, yoh suka bərapuy or yoh suka bərapuy? Transcription 00:02:51.288 00:02:52.350 Yeah. Transcription 00:02:52.350 00:02:58.100 Uh, could I ever say, uh, suka yoh bərapuy? Transcription 00:02:58.100 00:02:59.900 suka yoh bərapuy Transcription 00:02:59.900 00:03:09.400 Yeah, you can, you can say that, it's like, sort of like an exclaiming, like you're exclaiming, suka yoh bərapuy, she likes cooking, yeah. Transcription 00:03:09.400 00:03:10.875 That's great. Transcription 00:03:10.875 00:03:15.150 Now, what about, um... Transcription 00:03:15.150 00:03:18.450 suka iʔ bərapuy Transcription 00:03:18.450 00:03:19.750 suka iʔ bərapuy Transcription 00:03:19.750 00:03:26.300 Yeah, actual-, yeah, actually that makes sense, but I'm not sure what the difference might be. Transcription 00:03:26.300 00:03:27.275 suka iʔ bərapuy Transcription 00:03:27.275 00:03:28.538 suka iʔ-, suk-... Transcription 00:03:28.538 00:03:29.263 suka yoh bərapuy Transcription 00:03:29.263 00:03:30.663 suka iʔ bərapuy Transcription 00:03:30.663 00:03:36.113 suka iʔ hh I think it means something slightly different from the first one, but... Transcription 00:03:36.113 00:03:37.113 suka iʔ bərapuy Transcription 00:03:37.113 00:03:40.638 suka iʔ bərapuy Transcription 00:03:40.638 00:03:49.538 I don't know how to explain it but because iʔ and yoh here, they serve different functions, so... Transcription 00:03:49.538 00:03:56.650 iʔ, because iʔ means like the, iʔ suka iʔ bərapuy, suka... Transcription 00:03:56.650 00:04:01.650 You know what? I'm lost h I don't know actually hh suka iʔ bərapuy, yeah. Transcription 00:04:01.650 00:04:09.563 N- could you, so maybe this will help, could you think of, um, like a context in which you would say suka iʔ bərapuy? Transcription 00:04:09.563 00:04:13.863 suka iʔ bərapuy, suka iʔ bərapuy, suka... Transcription 00:04:13.863 00:04:15.263 suka iʔ bərapuy Transcription 00:04:15.263 00:04:18.963 suka iʔ bərapuy, suka... Transcription 00:04:18.963 00:04:30.100 Okay, so, okay, so, suka iʔ bərapuy is like, with, this is not about this person anymore, suka iʔ bərapuy, suka iʔ bərapuy... Transcription 00:04:30.100 00:04:34.738 It's like, almost like... Transcription 00:04:34.738 00:04:40.638 Okay, uh, I cannot think of an English equivalent because it's just not the same but, when, for example, you are cooking something... Transcription 00:04:40.638 00:04:45.700 And I'll say, oh you like cooking! Like that's, it's that sort of, like, that's the context. Transcription 00:04:45.700 00:04:53.350 But in the sentence, suka iʔ bərapuy, it means like, like cook, there's no subject there. Transcription 00:04:53.350 00:04:53.813 Mm. Transcription 00:04:53.813 00:05:01.525 But it's indirectly to you, so to the speaker and then the person that is being spoken to. Transcription 00:05:01.525 00:05:03.975 Okay, okay. Transcription 00:05:03.975 00:05:09.000 So, okay, let me see, so it sounds like... Transcription 00:05:09.000 00:05:16.013 With suka iʔ bərapuy, you're saying it to the person that you're talking to. Transcription 00:05:16.013 00:05:16.875 Yeah, yeah. Transcription 00:05:16.875 00:05:19.188 Instead of about, like, a third person? Transcription 00:05:19.188 00:05:19.738 Yeah. Transcription 00:05:19.738 00:05:26.388 Whereas, like, suka yoh bərapuy, would be like, oh, you're talking about, like, a third person who's not in your conversation? Transcription 00:05:26.388 00:05:27.250 Yeah. Transcription 00:05:27.250 00:05:37.238 Okay, that makes sense, okay. Transcription 00:05:37.238 00:05:41.088 Okay, um... Transcription 00:05:41.088 00:05:45.888 Okay, so how about, um, she likes swimming, or she likes to swim? Transcription 00:05:45.888 00:05:47.113 yoh... Transcription 00:05:47.113 00:05:50.288 yoh suka bərənaŋ Transcription 00:05:50.288 00:05:54.175 I think that's the, I think, yeah, the Malay word, yoh suka bərənaŋ. Transcription 00:05:54.175 00:06:07.188 yoh suka bərənaŋ Transcription 00:06:07.188 00:06:13.075 Um, and could you also say, um, yoh dəras bərənaŋ? Transcription 00:06:13.075 00:06:14.225 Yeah. Transcription 00:06:14.225 00:06:17.363 For like, she often, or is often swimming? Transcription 00:06:17.363 00:06:18.413 Yeah. Transcription 00:06:18.413 00:06:27.538 Okay. Transcription 00:06:27.538 00:06:32.363 Could you ever say, dəras yoh bərənaŋ? Transcription 00:06:32.363 00:06:33.488 dəras yoh bərənaŋ Transcription 00:06:33.488 00:06:41.513 Yeah, you can, yeah, that is the same with the first example we did, it's like an exclaim, exclaiming, exclaiming something. Transcription 00:06:41.513 00:06:57.438 hhhh yeah, okay. Transcription 00:06:57.438 00:07:02.488 And what about dəras iʔ bərənaŋ, is that same as before? Transcription 00:07:02.488 00:07:03.800 Yeah, it's the same. Transcription 00:07:03.800 00:07:12.850 Okay, cool, so it's still almost like you have to be talking to the person that you're describing as someone who likes swimming? Transcription 00:07:12.850 00:07:19.150 Yeah, uh, because iʔ here, it doesn't refer to a person, it's like... Transcription 00:07:19.150 00:07:23.075 Like for example, I, like I see something... Transcription 00:07:23.075 00:07:28.075 Like interesting, I will say, eh, bes iʔ! Transcription 00:07:28.075 00:07:29.638 bes iʔ Transcription 00:07:29.638 00:07:35.475 iʔ is like an emphasis on something, like... Transcription 00:07:35.475 00:07:39.238 suka iʔ bərənaŋ Transcription 00:07:39.238 00:07:42.325 Wait, so what does bes iʔ mean? What does that mean? Transcription 00:07:42.325 00:07:46.413 No, okay, so, the word bes, b, e, s, t, the English word best. Transcription 00:07:46.413 00:07:48.925 Oh ho, okay. Transcription 00:07:48.925 00:07:55.025 So in, in the Malay, in the Bidayuh context, or not even just Bidayuh con- in the Malaysian context... Transcription 00:07:55.025 00:08:00.375 It means, like, um, something interesting or fun, yeah. Transcription 00:08:00.375 00:08:02.950 Okay. Transcription 00:08:02.950 00:08:10.000 Okay, so if somebody said something like, oh, I don't know, what's something that's fun hh Transcription 00:08:10.000 00:08:17.700 Tryna think of something that's fun, um, I was like telling you that I've been to Borneo before and you thought that was really interesting, you could say, oh, [best i]? Transcription 00:08:17.700 00:08:18.850 bes iʔ Transcription 00:08:18.850 00:08:24.463 Yeah, bes iʔ, yeah the word, bes iʔ, uh yeah. Transcription 00:08:24.463 00:08:30.638 Okay, okay. Transcription 00:08:30.638 00:08:34.113 So I'm not sure what exactly iʔ here functions as, but... Transcription 00:08:34.113 00:08:37.613 Mhm, interesting, okay, yeah. Transcription 00:08:37.613 00:08:41.213 That's so fun, I wanna use that now, bes iʔ! hhh Transcription 00:08:41.213 00:08:46.275 hhh I'll really sound like a local if I say that, well... Transcription 00:08:46.275 00:08:50.738 Until somebody looks at me. / A Bidayuh local, yeah. Transcription 00:08:50.738 00:08:56.988 hh okay, uh, okay very interesting, okay, so what if I wanted to say, she likes my cat? Transcription 00:08:56.988 00:08:59.463 Like, I have a pet cat and she likes it? Transcription 00:08:59.463 00:09:00.350 Okay. Transcription 00:09:00.350 00:09:02.450 yoh suka busiŋ kuʔ Transcription 00:09:02.450 00:09:10.313 yoh suka busiŋ kuʔ Transcription 00:09:10.313 00:09:13.750 And you can't use dəras here, in this sentence. Transcription 00:09:13.750 00:09:16.350 It would be bad to use it here, right? Transcription 00:09:16.350 00:09:17.075 Yeah. Transcription 00:09:17.075 00:09:18.550 Yeah, that makes sense. Transcription 00:09:18.550 00:09:29.675 Yeah. Transcription 00:09:29.675 00:09:33.325 Okay, and then, what about, um... Transcription 00:09:33.325 00:09:37.025 She likes when I cook for her? Transcription 00:09:37.025 00:09:39.150 She likes when I cook for her? Transcription 00:09:39.150 00:09:46.913 Mhm. Transcription 00:09:46.913 00:09:49.488 I think, okay, I think the closest one would be... Transcription 00:09:49.488 00:09:52.850 yoh suka... Transcription 00:09:52.850 00:09:58.838 yoh suka, wait, but if I say, okay, so the sentence that I was thinking of was... Transcription 00:09:58.838 00:10:06.713 yoh suka daʔ kuʔ bərapuy yon yoh Transcription 00:10:06.713 00:10:10.625 yoh suka daʔ kuʔ bərapuy yon yoh Transcription 00:10:10.625 00:10:11.900 Mhm. Transcription 00:10:11.900 00:10:18.850 Okay, but this one, it means, like, she likes making me cook for her. Transcription 00:10:18.850 00:10:20.138 Yeah, sort of like that, yeah. / Mm. Transcription 00:10:20.138 00:10:28.963 Okay, hhhh yeah that's, that is like, so close in meaning, but a completely different idea hhhhh Transcription 00:10:28.963 00:10:37.750 Okay, okay, so that's still good to know, so that means, she likes making me cook for her, okay. Transcription 00:10:37.750 00:10:42.813 Yeah, but, so the word daʔ here, it means to make or to instruct someone to do something. Transcription 00:10:42.813 00:10:43.275 Mhm. Transcription 00:10:43.275 00:10:49.213 But it's often used as, like, you m- like, how do I...? Transcription 00:10:49.213 00:10:50.375 u daʔ kuʔ təruh Transcription 00:10:50.375 00:10:54.688 It means you make me, you instruct me to be scared. Transcription 00:10:54.688 00:11:02.988 That's the literal meaning, but it just means that you are the cause that I am, like, shocked or afraid. Transcription 00:11:02.988 00:11:07.825 Yeah, that makes sense, but then how, so, how would... Transcription 00:11:07.825 00:11:19.250 Yeah, so I see how that one works, because yoh suka daʔ kuʔ bərapuy is like, I like it when, she likes it when she makes me cook for her. Transcription 00:11:19.250 00:11:23.263 Right? Transcription 00:11:23.263 00:11:25.950 Wait, yoh suka daʔ kuʔ bərapuy yon yoh? Transcription 00:11:25.950 00:11:27.163 Mhm. Transcription 00:11:27.163 00:11:32.213 Oh it means, she likes it when I cook for her. Transcription 00:11:32.213 00:11:34.013 Oh it does mean? Okay, okay. / Yeah, 'cause kuʔ, yeah. Transcription 00:11:34.013 00:11:37.350 Yeah. Transcription 00:11:37.350 00:11:43.788 Because in, in the literal sense, it means like, she likes making me cook for her. Transcription 00:11:43.788 00:11:44.463 Mhm. Transcription 00:11:44.463 00:11:46.225 But that's... Transcription 00:11:46.225 00:12:03.000 Yeah, that makes sense, okay, okay. Transcription 00:12:03.000 00:12:09.888 Okay, um, okay, so keep in, we have that word bərənaŋ, which is swim. Transcription 00:12:09.888 00:12:11.138 bərənaŋ, okay. Transcription 00:12:11.138 00:12:18.438 Uh, how would I say, uh, she's swimming away from me? Transcription 00:12:18.438 00:12:21.338 yoh bərənaŋ bu soʔ kuʔ Transcription 00:12:21.338 00:12:32.500 yoh bərənaŋ bu, b, u, soʔ kuʔ Transcription 00:12:32.500 00:12:34.538 Um, and what's bu? Transcription 00:12:34.538 00:12:37.138 bu is like away. Transcription 00:12:37.138 00:12:38.025 Away? Transcription 00:12:38.025 00:12:44.338 Like, if I were to tell, if like, if someone told me bu, it means, go away. Transcription 00:12:44.338 00:12:49.238 h but in, so in this sentence it mean, away, like, she... Transcription 00:12:49.238 00:12:57.588 Okay so, yoh bərənaŋ, she swims, bu is like away, then soʔ is from, from me, kuʔ. Transcription 00:12:57.588 00:13:00.475 Okay. Transcription 00:13:00.475 00:13:04.850 Okay, so I, you can just say bu to somebody and it means go away? Transcription 00:13:04.850 00:13:05.450 Yeah. Transcription 00:13:05.450 00:13:07.075 hhhh, okay Transcription 00:13:07.075 00:13:12.238 There's a lot of, like, short words that can mean a lot of things in Bidayuh, like if I say aʔ... Transcription 00:13:12.238 00:13:12.838 aʔ Transcription 00:13:12.838 00:13:13.488 a, k Transcription 00:13:13.488 00:13:14.438 aʔ Transcription 00:13:14.438 00:13:17.338 It means, it's like give it to me, it means give it to me. Transcription 00:13:17.338 00:13:31.475 hhh okay, aʔ, okay. Transcription 00:13:31.475 00:13:44.150 Okay, um, so then how would I say, um, she swam away when she saw something in the water, like she sees a shadow in the water and she's like, I don't wanna be near that, and she swims away. Transcription 00:13:44.150 00:13:53.713 She, okay, so maybe, I think she'll say, um, she s- yoh... Transcription 00:13:53.713 00:14:00.063 yoh bərənaŋ bu soʔ, water, exactly... Transcription 00:14:00.063 00:14:03.963 Um she is swimming away from, when she saw something? Transcription 00:14:03.963 00:14:09.163 Yeah, so she swims away when she sees something in the water. Transcription 00:14:09.163 00:14:11.800 yoh, yoh bərənaŋ, okay, let me... Transcription 00:14:11.800 00:14:18.113 yoh bərənaŋ... Transcription 00:14:18.113 00:14:24.613 yoh bərənaŋ bu... Transcription 00:14:24.613 00:14:28.513 yoh bərənaŋ, wait she swims... Transcription 00:14:28.513 00:14:32.013 h sorry, yoh bərənaŋ bu... Transcription 00:14:32.013 00:14:42.913 yoh bərənaŋ bu soʔ, so wait, if I say soʔ, like yoh bərənaŋ bu soʔ, then she swims away from... Transcription 00:14:42.913 00:14:50.813 But then, when she sees something, when she sees something, um... Transcription 00:14:50.813 00:14:55.050 yoh... oh. Transcription 00:14:55.050 00:14:59.350 yoh bərənaŋ bu nəŋgaʔ kiyuh diaŋ pəʔin Transcription 00:14:59.350 00:15:00.675 'Kay, let me just h Transcription 00:15:00.675 00:15:19.075 yoh bərənaŋ bu nəŋgaʔ kiyuh diaŋ pəʔin Transcription 00:15:19.075 00:15:21.288 So, that is... Transcription 00:15:21.288 00:15:22.013 yoh Transcription 00:15:22.013 00:15:27.363 yoh bərənaŋ bu nəŋgaʔ kiyuh [yaŋ piʔin]? Transcription 00:15:27.363 00:15:28.788 Yes, diaŋ pəʔin, yeah. Transcription 00:15:28.788 00:15:31.938 And [yaŋ] like the Malay word, [yaŋ]? Transcription 00:15:31.938 00:15:32.900 Oh no, diaŋ, diaŋ. Transcription 00:15:32.900 00:15:37.675 diaŋ, there we go, okay, I was like, that seems very weird, okay. Transcription 00:15:37.675 00:15:40.288 diaŋ, yeah diaŋ, d, i, a, n, g, diaŋ. Transcription 00:15:40.288 00:15:41.650 Inside, it means inside. Transcription 00:15:41.650 00:15:43.075 Mhm. Transcription 00:15:43.075 00:15:47.713 So yoh bərənaŋ bu, so yoh bərənaŋ bu means she swam away. Transcription 00:15:47.713 00:15:48.225 Mhm. Transcription 00:15:48.225 00:15:54.275 Then nəŋgaʔ kiyuh diaŋ pəʔin, so nəŋgaʔ is see something in water. Transcription 00:15:54.275 00:15:55.763 See something in water h Transcription 00:15:55.763 00:15:58.113 Yeah, that makes sense. Transcription 00:15:58.113 00:16:05.488 Okay, um. Transcription 00:16:05.488 00:16:12.950 Would you be able to say that without bu? So just, yoh bərənaŋ nəŋgaʔ kiyuh diaŋ pəʔin? Transcription 00:16:12.950 00:16:19.400 yoh bərənaŋ nəŋgaʔ diaŋ pəʔin, yes, but without the bu, it doesn't mean, like, she's swimming away. Transcription 00:16:19.400 00:16:22.063 It means, it just means she swims. Transcription 00:16:22.063 00:16:28.363 Cont- like she continued swimming, so it, I think if you, without the bu, so... Transcription 00:16:28.363 00:16:34.838 If someone were to tell me this sentence, it would mean to me that they are swimming to the things that they see in the water. Transcription 00:16:34.838 00:16:36.450 Mmkay, oh yeah, mhm. Transcription 00:16:36.450 00:16:43.600 Because, yeah, it means, she swims seeing something in the water, like it, it sounds as if she's going to the... Transcription 00:16:43.600 00:16:48.300 hh so hopefully she knows what that is, or else that'd be kinda scary. Transcription 00:16:48.300 00:16:59.500 Yeah. Transcription 00:16:59.500 00:17:10.300 Okay, um, 'kay... Transcription 00:17:10.300 00:17:14.200 Would it be possible for me to say... Transcription 00:17:14.200 00:17:18.550 Um, bərənaŋ yoh nəŋgaʔ kiyuh diaŋ pəʔin? Transcription 00:17:18.550 00:17:23.550 bərənaŋ yoh nəŋgaʔ kiyuh diaŋ pəʔin Transcription 00:17:23.550 00:17:25.238 bərənaŋ yoh nəŋgaʔ pidaʔ pəʔin? Transcription 00:17:25.238 00:17:36.825 Yeah, yeah, the same with, with yeah, but it, it means, yeah, swimming, almost continue swimming or swimming towards the thing, yeah. Transcription 00:17:36.825 00:17:43.475 Okay, so it, it's okay, but it does mean the second one we talked about, swimming towards something she sees in the water? Transcription 00:17:43.475 00:17:50.425 Yeah, or, technically it means continue swimming, she's still swimming, yeah. Transcription 00:17:50.425 00:17:55.000 But depends on the context of the sentence, it could mean that also. Transcription 00:17:55.000 00:17:58.450 Okay. Transcription 00:17:58.450 00:18:02.850 And what about, bərənaŋ iʔ nəŋgaʔ kiyuh diaŋ pəʔin? Transcription 00:18:02.850 00:18:05.075 bərənaŋ iʔ nəŋgaʔ diaŋ pəʔin Transcription 00:18:05.075 00:18:08.025 'Kay so this one, it doesn't work, yeah. Transcription 00:18:08.025 00:18:09.138 Okay. Transcription 00:18:09.138 00:18:10.100 Yeah. Transcription 00:18:10.100 00:18:18.650 So this one's bad. Transcription 00:18:18.650 00:18:25.375 Okay, okay. Transcription 00:18:25.375 00:18:31.725 Okay, so we're gonna move away from swimming, how would I say, hhhhh no more swimming. Transcription 00:18:31.725 00:18:37.225 How would I say, my father is looking for a pangolin? Transcription 00:18:37.225 00:18:38.675 I don't know the word for pangolin, actually. Transcription 00:18:38.675 00:18:46.425 You don't know the word for pangolin? I wasn't sure, but sometimes I like to see what words are for, kind of, strange animals. Transcription 00:18:46.425 00:18:53.388 Yeah, it's, I'm sure it's a very, quite, my parents would probably know the word for that. Transcription 00:18:53.388 00:18:55.213 But I just don't use... Transcription 00:18:55.213 00:18:59.375 hhhh you don't talk about pangolins all the time? hhhhh Transcription 00:18:59.375 00:19:00.925 Not in Bidayuh, yeah, hh Transcription 00:19:00.925 00:19:09.663 Okay, then let's just change it to, um, a snake, since we already, that's jəpoh, so let's do, my father is looking for a snake. Transcription 00:19:09.663 00:19:12.188 samaʔ kuʔ Transcription 00:19:12.188 00:19:36.075 samaʔ kuʔ jiruə̯h jəpoh Transcription 00:19:36.075 00:19:38.975 Okay, so what's the word for look for? jiruə̯h? Transcription 00:19:38.975 00:19:39.600 Yeah. Transcription 00:19:39.600 00:19:40.325 jiruə̯h Transcription 00:19:40.325 00:19:41.650 jiruah? Transcription 00:19:41.650 00:19:47.650 Yeah, j, i, r, u, a, h, I assume, yeah, jiruə̯h, jiruə̯h jəpoh, then jəpoh, yeah. Transcription 00:19:47.650 00:19:52.775 samaʔ kuʔ jiruə̯h jəpoh Transcription 00:19:52.775 00:20:00.125 Mhm. Transcription 00:20:00.125 00:20:07.900 Okay, so then, how about, um, I'm looking for a job? Like I'm tryna find employment? Transcription 00:20:07.900 00:20:09.050 Mm. Transcription 00:20:09.050 00:20:11.675 kuʔ jiruə̯h kərja Transcription 00:20:11.675 00:20:15.025 kuʔ jiruə̯h kərja, yeah. Transcription 00:20:15.025 00:20:19.075 That's easy, kuʔ jiruə̯h kərja? Transcription 00:20:19.075 00:20:24.975 Yeah, I'm, okay so, I think that's a newer word. Transcription 00:20:24.975 00:20:31.275 That's being used by my generation and, I think also the ge-, my like, the one before me. Transcription 00:20:31.275 00:20:39.200 But I think there's a word, like jiruə̯h kuri or ŋuri, something, yeah. Transcription 00:20:39.200 00:20:39.950 Hmm. Transcription 00:20:39.950 00:20:47.050 Yeah, I'm not so sure, I don't use it and I don't think my, yeah, my mum also uses the word kərja. Transcription 00:20:47.050 00:20:53.763 But I've heard my grandma use something different, like, because ŋuri, so ŋuri... Transcription 00:20:53.763 00:20:56.813 So ŋuri is the verb for, like, to employ. Transcription 00:20:56.813 00:21:03.600 So there's another word for, um, to find work, employment, but I'm not sure what it is. Transcription 00:21:03.600 00:21:04.438 Okay. Transcription 00:21:04.438 00:21:05.513 Yeah. Transcription 00:21:05.513 00:21:08.575 Yeah, so, 'cause kərja is Malay. Transcription 00:21:08.575 00:21:09.225 Yeah. Transcription 00:21:09.225 00:21:15.175 So it sounds like you, it's just, the newer generation of speakers have just kind of pulled in this Malay word instead. Transcription 00:21:15.175 00:21:17.925 Yeah. Transcription 00:21:17.925 00:21:23.475 And would the, would, like, I'm working, would it be bərkərja? Transcription 00:21:23.475 00:21:24.875 Yeah, I'm working, yeah. Transcription 00:21:24.875 00:21:25.450 kuʔ eh- Transcription 00:21:25.450 00:21:26.388 kuʔ kərja Transcription 00:21:26.388 00:21:31.413 I think we just, we don't have, we don't put the, oh wait, I think... Transcription 00:21:31.413 00:21:32.488 The word, okay, so the word Transcription 00:21:32.488 00:21:33.050 ŋuri Transcription 00:21:33.050 00:21:35.350 is the word for, like, to employ, and then the word.. Transcription 00:21:35.350 00:21:35.900 kuri Transcription 00:21:35.900 00:21:41.788 is actually the, like employer, eh no, employee, h the employee. Transcription 00:21:41.788 00:21:43.238 Okay. Transcription 00:21:43.238 00:21:46.363 I think it comes from the word coolie, have you, do you know the word coolie? Transcription 00:21:46.363 00:21:48.013 Coolie? I don't think so. Transcription 00:21:48.013 00:21:55.300 c, o, o, l, i, e, like the English word, coolie, I think it's, I'm not sure if it's adapted from... Transcription 00:21:55.300 00:21:56.575 Okay. Transcription 00:21:56.575 00:21:58.675 Okay, okay, maybe it's the word, yeah. Transcription 00:21:58.675 00:22:01.100 hhh it could be. Transcription 00:22:01.100 00:22:05.550 kuri, kuri, okay. Transcription 00:22:05.550 00:22:15.238 Um, so, you would use, like, kuri to describe yourself, as like an employee of, like the school or something, right? Transcription 00:22:15.238 00:22:19.000 Oh no, it's, I just looked it up, it's an ethnic slur. Transcription 00:22:19.000 00:22:20.838 Oh hh no! Transcription 00:22:20.838 00:22:26.500 Yeah it's a, it say it's an offensive name for an unskilled Asian labourer. Transcription 00:22:26.500 00:22:33.663 Oh, yeah, that's probably not slang that's used in America either, it sounds very specific to this part of the world. Transcription 00:22:33.663 00:22:34.575 Yeah, yeah. Transcription 00:22:34.575 00:22:35.563 Yeah. Transcription 00:22:35.563 00:22:36.663 Interesting. Transcription 00:22:36.663 00:22:38.888 I think it's probably use by the British, maybe. Transcription 00:22:38.888 00:22:41.738 Maybe, that could very much be the case, yes. Transcription 00:22:41.738 00:22:43.638 Yeah, I was like, I've never heard of that, but... Transcription 00:22:43.638 00:22:47.575 Yeah, and then afterwards when it came into Bidayuh, we changed the [l] into the [r] sound, yeah. Transcription 00:22:47.575 00:22:52.338 Okay, okay, so that's very interesting, okay. Transcription 00:22:52.338 00:22:55.163 Okay hh Transcription 00:22:55.163 00:22:56.713 I just knew that today, yeah. Transcription 00:22:56.713 00:23:05.488 hhhhhh you're just a wealth of knowledge today, Leo, such interesting information about where Bidayuh words come from hh Transcription 00:23:05.488 00:23:07.963 Yeah hhh Transcription 00:23:07.963 00:23:13.813 Okay, um, okay, yeah we got, we got very off-track there, uh, but it's, it's interesting. Transcription 00:23:13.813 00:23:18.513 So, so I'm working would be kuʔ kərja, right? Transcription 00:23:18.513 00:23:21.613 Yeah. Transcription 00:23:21.613 00:23:25.338 Okay, but you don't think it would ever be bərkərja? Transcription 00:23:25.338 00:23:30.225 No, yeah, we remove the Malay morphological rules from from the... Transcription 00:23:30.225 00:23:41.888 Yeah, okay. Transcription 00:23:41.888 00:23:47.288 Okay, um... Transcription 00:23:47.288 00:23:52.438 Okay, then how about, um, I'm looking for food? Transcription 00:23:52.438 00:23:54.638 kuʔ jiruə̯h kiyuh man Transcription 00:23:54.638 00:23:57.725 kuʔ jiruə̯h kiyuh man Transcription 00:23:57.725 00:24:04.675 kuʔ jiruə̯h kiyuh man Transcription 00:24:04.675 00:24:07.500 And do you write kiyuh man as two words? Transcription 00:24:07.500 00:24:11.200 Yeah, kiyuh man is two words, yeah, kiyuh is the word for thing. Transcription 00:24:11.200 00:24:13.225 Thing, so, eat-thing h Transcription 00:24:13.225 00:24:14.600 Very versatile, yeah, yeah. Transcription 00:24:14.600 00:24:21.550 Yeah h that's what I thought, I just didn't know if you actually like to write them together or if you did write them as two separate words. Transcription 00:24:21.550 00:24:24.075 Yeah, we don't actually have, like, a writing system. Transcription 00:24:24.075 00:24:26.725 A writing system, yeah, mhm. Transcription 00:24:26.725 00:24:29.175 When I text I'll separate. Transcription 00:24:29.175 00:24:32.025 You'll separate them when-? Okay, yeah, that's, okay. Transcription 00:24:32.025 00:24:35.550 kuʔ jiruə̯h [jəruə̯h] kiyuh man? Transcription 00:24:35.550 00:24:37.325 Yeah, jiruə̯h kiyuh man, yeah. Transcription 00:24:37.325 00:24:40.575 hhh are you laughing at my pronunciation? hhhh Transcription 00:24:40.575 00:24:41.625 Uh r- I'm not, I'm not. Transcription 00:24:41.625 00:24:47.938 You can, you can, it's really bad h okay, um, okay, so... Transcription 00:24:47.938 00:24:57.488 What about, uh, the police are looking for a thief? So let's say they know somebody stole something and they're trying to find the person who stole things, so they're looking for a thief? Transcription 00:24:57.488 00:25:01.188 Thief? Transcription 00:25:01.188 00:25:09.475 polis jiruə̯h, polis jiruə̯h... Transcription 00:25:09.475 00:25:12.075 I think, okay so, I want to say... Transcription 00:25:12.075 00:25:14.613 polis jiruə̯h pənəku Transcription 00:25:14.613 00:25:16.913 pənəku is the word for thief. Transcription 00:25:16.913 00:25:22.075 Because uh, from the verb nəku, which means to steal, yeah. Transcription 00:25:22.075 00:25:23.225 nəku Transcription 00:25:23.225 00:25:28.375 But then, the sentence, polis jiruə̯h pənəku, sounds incomplete. Transcription 00:25:28.375 00:25:29.225 Okay. Transcription 00:25:29.225 00:25:33.175 I think, I think maybe, if I were to add, like... Transcription 00:25:33.175 00:25:35.225 polis jiruə̯h pənəku anoʔ Transcription 00:25:35.225 00:25:41.600 That thief, yeah, it will sound more complete, anoʔ, anoʔ is like that. Transcription 00:25:41.600 00:25:42.150 Mhm. Transcription 00:25:42.150 00:25:44.950 It's the, yeah, atiʔ and anoʔ, yeah, this and that. Transcription 00:25:44.950 00:25:52.100 Oh okay, so you just want to add, like, something to specify, like, this specific thief. Transcription 00:25:52.100 00:25:53.325 Yeah. Transcription 00:25:53.325 00:25:57.088 Okay, so, the whole, can you give me the whole sentence again? Transcription 00:25:57.088 00:25:59.350 polis jiruə̯h pənəku anoʔ Transcription 00:25:59.350 00:26:04.413 anoʔ, yeah, okay, and that word for thief is [bənoku]? Transcription 00:26:04.413 00:26:05.050 pənəku Transcription 00:26:05.050 00:26:07.738 p, e, n, e, k, u, I think, pənəku. Transcription 00:26:07.738 00:26:09.588 [bənəku, bənəku] Transcription 00:26:09.588 00:26:13.388 And you said that comes from the word to steal, which is just nəku? Transcription 00:26:13.388 00:26:14.450 Yeah, nəku. Transcription 00:26:14.450 00:26:31.113 Okay. Transcription 00:26:31.113 00:26:40.588 I think if you were like, if the police is looking for, like, a thief, and we don't know who it is, we don't know who, yeah. Transcription 00:26:40.588 00:26:45.063 I think, if I were to make a sentence, I will, I'll say... Transcription 00:26:45.063 00:26:47.163 polis jiruə̯h giʔ pənəku atiʔ Transcription 00:26:47.163 00:26:51.288 It's like, in a more of a conversational way, so... Transcription 00:26:51.288 00:26:59.538 polis jiruə̯h giʔ pənəku atiʔ Transcription 00:26:59.538 00:27:04.188 Yeah, I'll probably say that I, oh I don't even know who it is. Transcription 00:27:04.188 00:27:05.838 Yeah, just to add it into the sentence, like... Transcription 00:27:05.838 00:27:17.588 polis jiruə̯h giʔ pənəku atiʔ, kuʔ doh goh puʔan si Transcription 00:27:17.588 00:27:19.113 kuʔ doh...? Transcription 00:27:19.113 00:27:21.313 kuʔ doh goh puʔan si Transcription 00:27:21.313 00:27:26.463 kuʔ doh goh puʔan si Transcription 00:27:26.463 00:27:34.263 Okay, I think I've seen almost all those words before, so, I don't... what's goh? Transcription 00:27:34.263 00:27:35.638 Also, like... Transcription 00:27:35.638 00:27:39.975 Oh, okay, 'cause puʔan is know, right? Transcription 00:27:39.975 00:27:40.563 Yeah, yeah. Transcription 00:27:40.563 00:27:41.838 And si is who. Transcription 00:27:41.838 00:27:42.400 Yeah. Transcription 00:27:42.400 00:27:43.975 Okay, okay, yes! Transcription 00:27:43.975 00:27:52.225 So, the sentence would mean, like, I too don't, like, yeah, like also, like the Malaysian also. Transcription 00:27:52.225 00:27:57.475 Okay, okay, okay, so this, kind of translated, would be... Transcription 00:27:57.475 00:28:02.225 The police are looking for, like, some thief, but I don't know who it is. Transcription 00:28:02.225 00:28:02.775 Mm. Transcription 00:28:02.775 00:28:03.438 Okay. Transcription 00:28:03.438 00:28:10.938 Yeah. Transcription 00:28:10.938 00:28:14.125 Very cool, okay. Transcription 00:28:14.125 00:28:23.475 So you could say the first one you gave me, polis jiruə̯h [bənoku] anoʔ, does that mean you know who the thief is? Transcription 00:28:23.475 00:28:29.500 Yeah, know, like, you've seen his picture maybe, not know, like, personally, you don't have to know them. Transcription 00:28:29.500 00:28:36.487 hhhhhh he's a friend of mine! hhhhh okay, okay, but, like, the police know who he is. Transcription 00:28:36.487 00:28:45.437 And they've shown a picture, and you know who he is, so this couldn't be the case that, like, the police are trying to figure out who the thief is, they have to know who it is already. Transcription 00:28:45.437 00:28:47.125 Mm, yeah. Transcription 00:28:47.125 00:28:48.250 That sound right? Transcription 00:28:48.250 00:28:48.950 Yeah. Transcription 00:28:48.950 00:28:52.400 Okay. Transcription 00:28:52.400 00:28:58.450 If they don't know who it is, you would use the second one, the, polis jiruə̯h giʔ [bənuku] atiʔ? Transcription 00:28:58.450 00:29:02.487 Yeah. Transcription 00:29:02.487 00:29:09.262 Okay, okay. Transcription 00:29:09.262 00:29:15.650 And what if I wanted to say, um, kind of more generally, oh, the thief is being looked for? Transcription 00:29:15.650 00:29:24.537 Like, I'm not really saying, like, I know a lot of people are looking for him, and I'm not specifying who, I'm just like, oh, the thief is being looked for. Transcription 00:29:24.537 00:29:25.612 Yeah, I think you can say... Transcription 00:29:25.612 00:29:27.762 pənəku anoʔ duə̯g jiruə̯h Transcription 00:29:27.762 00:29:28.350 Okay. Transcription 00:29:28.350 00:29:36.437 pənəku anoʔ duə̯g jiruə̯h Transcription 00:29:36.437 00:29:38.750 pənəku anoʔ duə̯g [juruə̯h]? Transcription 00:29:38.750 00:29:40.925 Yeah, duə̯g jiruə̯h, yeah. Transcription 00:29:40.925 00:29:47.387 jiruə̯h, hhh am I still pronouncing it wrong hh? Transcription 00:29:47.387 00:29:51.237 No, no, yeah, you said it, yeah, jiruə̯h, jiruə̯h. Transcription 00:29:51.237 00:29:58.337 [jirua], I'm not getting the aitch at the end, jiruə̯h, is that better? Okay, okay hhhhh Transcription 00:29:58.337 00:30:05.700 The aitches at the end are really unnatural for me, so I have to really think about it, or else I won't say it. Transcription 00:30:05.700 00:30:07.300 Yeah. Transcription 00:30:07.300 00:30:16.050 Um, okay, so then, what if I wanted to say, the thief is being looked for by the police? Transcription 00:30:16.050 00:30:18.750 polis anoʔ duə̯g jiruə̯h-, eh, sorry. Transcription 00:30:18.750 00:30:24.475 pənəku anoʔ duə̯g jiruə̯h polis Transcription 00:30:24.475 00:30:26.425 Okay, say that once more for me? Transcription 00:30:26.425 00:30:31.212 pənəku anoʔ duə̯g jiruə̯h polis Transcription 00:30:31.212 00:30:40.662 polis, okay. Transcription 00:30:40.662 00:30:45.912 Okay. Transcription 00:30:45.912 00:30:51.825 Um, and then, what if I wanted to say, um... Transcription 00:30:51.825 00:30:56.575 She or he stole some rice? Transcription 00:30:56.575 00:31:01.312 yoh nəku təbiʔ Transcription 00:31:01.312 00:31:04.762 yoh nəku təbiʔ Transcription 00:31:04.762 00:31:10.962 And would that have to be, like, rice that was already cooked? Transcription 00:31:10.962 00:31:15.687 Mm, yeah, no, yeah, either that rice or the, the, the grains. Transcription 00:31:15.687 00:31:18.537 The white rice, yeah. / The grains? Okay, okay. Transcription 00:31:18.537 00:31:21.075 But not the, the, not the... / The seed? Transcription 00:31:21.075 00:31:21.762 Yeah. Transcription 00:31:21.762 00:31:23.812 Like that would be pədi, right? Transcription 00:31:23.812 00:31:25.037 Yeah, that would be pədi, yeah. Transcription 00:31:25.037 00:31:29.087 Okay. Transcription 00:31:29.087 00:31:34.312 Okay, okay. Transcription 00:31:34.312 00:31:39.787 Okay, so I think there's a word that you gave, um, Alex a couple weeks back. Transcription 00:31:39.787 00:31:43.087 Uh, ŋərusak, for to break? Transcription 00:31:43.087 00:31:45.087 Yeah, ŋərusak. Transcription 00:31:45.087 00:31:48.512 And it's rusak if something's, like, broken, right? Transcription 00:31:48.512 00:31:49.500 Yeah. Transcription 00:31:49.500 00:31:50.325 Okay. Transcription 00:31:50.325 00:31:56.300 So, how would I say, like, my motorcycle is broken, could I use rusak there? Transcription 00:31:56.300 00:31:57.362 Yeah. Transcription 00:31:57.362 00:31:58.262 Okay. Transcription 00:31:58.262 00:31:59.000 motosikar Transcription 00:31:59.000 00:32:00.625 Yeah, the word for motorcycle is... Transcription 00:32:00.625 00:32:02.075 motosikar Transcription 00:32:02.075 00:32:04.975 motosikar Transcription 00:32:04.975 00:32:07.937 motosikar kuʔ rusak Transcription 00:32:07.937 00:32:09.000 rusak, okay. Transcription 00:32:09.000 00:32:10.750 Yeah. Transcription 00:32:10.750 00:32:13.350 motosikar kuʔ rusak? Transcription 00:32:13.350 00:32:16.800 Yeah. Transcription 00:32:16.800 00:32:21.825 It's interesting how the word polis, the in the word polis did not change to an . Transcription 00:32:21.825 00:32:25.975 To poris? Yeah. Transcription 00:32:25.975 00:32:33.850 That is interesting, 'cause we've talked about a lot of words that have changed, in Bidayuh, to the from the , but not polis hhh Transcription 00:32:33.850 00:32:34.862 Yeah, polis. Transcription 00:32:34.862 00:32:39.500 I feel like that's one of the only words that you've given me that has an in it. Transcription 00:32:39.500 00:32:40.100 Yeah. Transcription 00:32:40.100 00:32:42.537 hhhh yeah Transcription 00:32:42.537 00:32:47.687 Maybe it's, because it's like a formal word, like, almost like, like it's, yeah, polis. Transcription 00:32:47.687 00:32:50.737 Maybe, yeah. Transcription 00:32:50.737 00:32:59.787 Uh, okay, so then, how would I say, I broke my motorcycle? Transcription 00:32:59.787 00:33:07.437 Okay so, okay, so, yeah, so we've, learned the word to break, the verb, is ŋərusak. Transcription 00:33:07.437 00:33:08.987 I cannot say, like... Transcription 00:33:08.987 00:33:11.137 kuʔ ŋərusak motosikar kuʔ Transcription 00:33:11.137 00:33:18.137 Because that will sound like I am actively trying, like I am, I've spoiled, I've broken on purpose. Transcription 00:33:18.137 00:33:20.262 Okay, okay. Transcription 00:33:20.262 00:33:24.012 But somehow if you use the word, the sentence... Transcription 00:33:24.012 00:33:30.112 kuʔ daʔ motosikar kuʔ rusak Transcription 00:33:30.112 00:33:31.962 Mm, okay. Transcription 00:33:31.962 00:33:40.812 Yeah, even though it means like, I instruct my motorbike to be broken, yeah but, it sounds less purposeful than the first one. Transcription 00:33:40.812 00:33:43.262 kuʔ ŋərusak motosikar kuʔ Transcription 00:33:43.262 00:33:56.562 Okay, so, I guess there could be a world in which you are outside, like, ripping your motorcycle apart, and then you could say, kuʔ ŋərusak motosikar kuʔ? Transcription 00:33:56.562 00:33:57.200 Yeah. Transcription 00:33:57.200 00:34:05.850 Okay, but, if you, like, run into something, you know, while you're driving, on accident, you would say, kuʔ daʔ motosikar kuʔ rusak? Transcription 00:34:05.850 00:34:06.337 Yeah. Transcription 00:34:06.337 00:34:20.100 Okay. Transcription 00:34:20.100 00:34:24.887 Okay, so then, how about, after I break it, I wanna go get it fixed hhh Transcription 00:34:24.887 00:34:29.400 And how would I say, he fixed my motorcycle? Transcription 00:34:29.400 00:34:32.225 Fixed, okay I, I don't actually know the word. Transcription 00:34:32.225 00:34:38.400 Or repair, maybe repair is a better... Transcription 00:34:38.400 00:34:42.550 Repair... Transcription 00:34:42.550 00:34:49.437 Uh, why can't I think of the word? Because like, if you, like, every, if I think of repairing something, I'll use the word repair. Transcription 00:34:49.437 00:34:53.250 Oh hhhhhhh yeah h Transcription 00:34:53.250 00:34:53.937 Repair... Transcription 00:34:53.937 00:34:58.625 Yeah, makes sense, and I don't even know what the Malay word would be here, if you would use that instead. Transcription 00:34:58.625 00:35:02.925 Yeah, I think, no, I think the word repair is used more. Transcription 00:35:02.925 00:35:08.387 Yeah, yeah, because I, for example, I want to fix my bike. Transcription 00:35:08.387 00:35:09.950 kuʔ an ripe motosikar kuʔ Transcription 00:35:09.950 00:35:13.187 Yeah, that's very natural to my ear h Transcription 00:35:13.187 00:35:16.100 kuʔ an ripe motosikar kuʔ Transcription 00:35:16.100 00:35:16.687 Okay. Transcription 00:35:16.687 00:35:29.912 Yeah, I know the, hm, but that's not the Bidayuh that we are using now, I speak another Bidayuh and that Bidayuh, yeah, I knew the word, but it's not the same. Transcription 00:35:29.912 00:35:37.600 Okay, okay, so you would just say, yoh [ripɛə], like, pronounced exactly like that? Transcription 00:35:37.600 00:35:41.425 I think it's [ripe], yeah, it sounds more like [ripe]. Transcription 00:35:41.425 00:35:42.637 ripe? Transcription 00:35:42.637 00:35:43.500 Yeah. Transcription 00:35:43.500 00:35:48.312 Okay, ripe. Transcription 00:35:48.312 00:35:49.625 ripe, yeah. Transcription 00:35:49.625 00:35:54.700 ripe. Transcription 00:35:54.700 00:35:58.312 yoh, m, yeah yoh. Transcription 00:35:58.312 00:35:59.875 yoh ripe motosikar iʔ Transcription 00:35:59.875 00:36:00.387 Or kuʔ. Transcription 00:36:00.387 00:36:02.737 kuʔ ripe motosikar kuʔ Transcription 00:36:02.737 00:36:05.487 Oh, what if he's repairing my motorcycle? Transcription 00:36:05.487 00:36:06.175 Then... Transcription 00:36:06.175 00:36:07.825 yoh ripe motosikar kuʔ Transcription 00:36:07.825 00:36:12.862 There we go hhhhh hh you gave me so many options, yeap, okay. Transcription 00:36:12.862 00:36:17.262 Yeah, okay, um. Transcription 00:36:17.262 00:36:22.487 Okay, so then, what if, um, I'm describing someone's, almost like, their job. Transcription 00:36:22.487 00:36:28.137 And I'm like, oh, he fixes or he repairs motorcycles for a living, like, as his job? Transcription 00:36:28.137 00:36:37.887 How would I say that? Transcription 00:36:37.887 00:36:42.562 I can't think about any other words except for repair, like, so, I think... Transcription 00:36:42.562 00:36:46.912 'Cause I, like, every time I try to recall a word, I'll think of, like, my mother saying it. Transcription 00:36:46.912 00:36:53.350 And even my mother says repair, so maybe she'll say, okay... Transcription 00:36:53.350 00:36:57.762 yoh ripe moto Transcription 00:36:57.762 00:36:59.125 yoh ripe moto Transcription 00:36:59.125 00:37:00.000 Hmm. Transcription 00:37:00.000 00:37:02.800 Yeah. Transcription 00:37:02.800 00:37:03.362 Or you can say... Transcription 00:37:03.362 00:37:06.950 yoh ripe bara moto Transcription 00:37:06.950 00:37:12.637 So moto means car in Bidayuh, so motosikar is motorbike. Transcription 00:37:12.637 00:37:13.412 Mm. Transcription 00:37:13.412 00:37:17.662 And then, but if you say, yoh ripe bara moto... Transcription 00:37:17.662 00:37:20.700 I think, now, it just means that he's a mechanic, yeah. Transcription 00:37:20.700 00:37:21.375 Mhm. Transcription 00:37:21.375 00:37:24.137 He repairs cars, not even just cars, yeah. Transcription 00:37:24.137 00:37:25.387 Yeah. Transcription 00:37:25.387 00:37:30.275 And, okay, so, you could say it with or without, and that's, bara? Transcription 00:37:30.275 00:37:31.125 Yeah, bara. Transcription 00:37:31.125 00:37:36.437 bara, and I know you've given that word before, that's like many, right, like, multiple? Transcription 00:37:36.437 00:37:41.687 Mm, yeah. Transcription 00:37:41.687 00:37:54.900 Okay. Transcription 00:37:54.900 00:38:01.250 Okay, then, what about, he's trying to repair my motorcycle? Transcription 00:38:01.250 00:38:04.750 yoh suba an ripe motosikar kuʔ Transcription 00:38:04.750 00:38:17.200 yoh suba an ripe motosikar Transcription 00:38:17.200 00:38:18.750 kuʔ? Transcription 00:38:18.750 00:38:20.350 Yeah, motorsikar kuʔ. Transcription 00:38:20.350 00:38:24.950 yoh suba an ripe motosikar kuʔ Transcription 00:38:24.950 00:38:26.350 And what's suba? Transcription 00:38:26.350 00:38:29.050 suba is try. Transcription 00:38:29.050 00:38:30.475 Okay. Transcription 00:38:30.475 00:38:33.875 And the an there, is that like, the same as want? Transcription 00:38:33.875 00:38:34.725 Yeah, yeah. Transcription 00:38:34.725 00:38:39.812 Okay. Transcription 00:38:39.812 00:38:58.087 Okay. Transcription 00:38:58.087 00:39:03.037 Okay, could I say... Transcription 00:39:03.037 00:39:07.937 suba yoh an ripe motosikar kuʔ? Transcription 00:39:07.937 00:39:13.037 suba yoh an ripe motosikar kuʔ Transcription 00:39:13.037 00:39:21.737 Okay, so that sentence is right, but it means, it's almost like, I wish he would fix my motorcycle, motorbike, yeah. Transcription 00:39:21.737 00:39:29.162 suba yoh an, yeah because suba, yeah, it means try, but in, in Bidayuh, it means, like... Transcription 00:39:29.162 00:39:32.925 I wish, like suba, yeah. Transcription 00:39:32.925 00:39:34.625 suba yoh an ripe motosikar kuʔ Transcription 00:39:34.625 00:39:37.375 I wish he would fix my motorbike. Transcription 00:39:37.375 00:39:38.075 Okay. Transcription 00:39:38.075 00:39:42.325 I wish he would want to fix my motorbike, yeah. Transcription 00:39:42.325 00:39:49.687 It's like, yeah, it's almost, if you use that um, arrangement, suba yoh or suba kuʔ. Transcription 00:39:49.687 00:39:54.937 It's going to mean, like, it's almost like a wish, like, I wish he would, yeah. Transcription 00:39:54.937 00:39:55.412 Okay. Transcription 00:39:55.412 00:39:56.975 suba kuʔ kaya Transcription 00:39:56.975 00:39:58.625 I wish I was rich, yeah. Transcription 00:39:58.625 00:40:07.825 Oh hhhh so putting suba first, in the sentence, makes it more of a wish or a want, kind of thing? Transcription 00:40:07.825 00:40:08.950 Yeah, yeah. Transcription 00:40:08.950 00:40:12.412 Okay. Transcription 00:40:12.412 00:40:16.600 Yeah, um, suba kuʔ kaya too. Transcription 00:40:16.600 00:40:20.550 hhh Transcription 00:40:20.550 00:40:23.887 Don't we all? h okay, okay. Transcription 00:40:23.887 00:40:32.500 So, yoh suba an ripe motosikar kuʔ is, you're just describing, you're like, oh, he's trying to fix my motorcycle, right? Transcription 00:40:32.500 00:40:33.537 Yeah. Transcription 00:40:33.537 00:40:39.787 But suba yoh an ripe motosikar kuʔ is, like, oh, I wish that he would fix my motorcycle? Transcription 00:40:39.787 00:40:44.787 Yeah, I wish, yeah, I wish he would want to fix my motorcycle, yeah. Transcription 00:40:44.787 00:40:56.537 Okay, okay, what about just, suba yoh [ripɛr motosikər] kuʔ? Transcription 00:40:56.537 00:40:59.125 Yeah. Transcription 00:40:59.125 00:41:00.975 So, I just got rid of an. Transcription 00:41:00.975 00:41:07.475 So you get rid of an, now it, now it, yeah, I w-... Transcription 00:41:07.475 00:41:18.262 Yeah, the same with, before, without the an, but now it sounds a lot more demanding, like, suba, yeah it's like, suba... Transcription 00:41:18.262 00:41:20.675 suba yoh ripe moto kuʔ Transcription 00:41:20.675 00:41:26.075 He, now it sounds like, he should repair my motorcycle. Transcription 00:41:26.075 00:41:30.925 Okay, okay. Transcription 00:41:30.925 00:41:38.375 So having an there, um, like, softens it, makes it maybe a little bit more polite, less demanding? Transcription 00:41:38.375 00:41:39.162 Yeah, yeah. Transcription 00:41:39.162 00:41:41.175 Okay. Transcription 00:41:41.175 00:41:47.612 Yeah, it's the same with, like, if I change the yoh into kuʔ suba, oh no, u suba. Transcription 00:41:47.612 00:41:49.212 suba u mamuh Transcription 00:41:49.212 00:41:54.350 I think you should shower, yeah, something like that, yeah. Transcription 00:41:54.350 00:42:02.375 suba u mamuh hhh so if you say, suba u an mamuh, it's like a nicer way of telling someone to shower? Transcription 00:42:02.375 00:42:09.475 Yeah, but that, well, it's still not nice, it means, I wish you would shower. Transcription 00:42:09.475 00:42:13.625 Okay, okay hh oh hh Transcription 00:42:13.625 00:42:33.225 So many great things I'm gonna be able to say in Bidayuh hhhhhh Transcription 00:42:33.225 00:42:38.087 Okay. Transcription 00:42:38.087 00:42:44.837 Okay, so then, how about, um, I want to fix my motorcycle, I want to repair my motorcycle? Transcription 00:42:44.837 00:42:45.537 Mm... Transcription 00:42:45.537 00:42:48.587 kuʔ an ripe motosikar kuʔ Transcription 00:42:48.587 00:42:58.862 kuʔ an ripe motosikar kuʔ Transcription 00:42:58.862 00:43:01.612 kuʔ an ripe motosikar kuʔ? Transcription 00:43:01.612 00:43:03.612 Yeah. Transcription 00:43:03.612 00:43:09.725 I think, because ripe is like one word, it's easier to say, because I think, now, I think back, like... Transcription 00:43:09.725 00:43:17.012 So I was thinking about the word for, like, to make, to repair, in the other Bidayuh, it comes from the word to make right. Transcription 00:43:17.012 00:43:22.400 And so in this Bidayuh, my Bidayuh, now, it's also, I can say... Transcription 00:43:22.400 00:43:25.925 kuʔ an daʔ motosikar kuʔ kənaʔ pari Transcription 00:43:25.925 00:43:26.950 kənaʔ pari Transcription 00:43:26.950 00:43:31.225 It means like, to return being right. Transcription 00:43:31.225 00:43:39.350 But I think no one actually, like, people used it before, but now because the word ripe is present, you will just use the word ripe more. Transcription 00:43:39.350 00:43:49.800 Okay, okay, interesting. Transcription 00:43:49.800 00:43:52.800 Okay, so then, could I say, um... Transcription 00:43:52.800 00:43:55.687 an kuʔ ripɛr motosikar kuʔ? Transcription 00:43:55.687 00:43:57.137 an kuʔ ripe motosikar kuʔ Transcription 00:43:57.137 00:44:01.625 Yeah, it can mean, um... Transcription 00:44:01.625 00:44:09.512 Yeah, it's like, I want to repair my motorbike, but now it's, like, exclaiming. It's just like, it's just like, um... Transcription 00:44:09.512 00:44:10.437 Mhm. Transcription 00:44:10.437 00:44:12.412 Like the one we talked about before. Transcription 00:44:12.412 00:44:16.037 Oh, uh, suka yoh bərapuy. Transcription 00:44:16.037 00:44:19.400 Yeah, yeah, suka yoh bərapuy, yeah. Transcription 00:44:19.400 00:44:21.175 Okay. Transcription 00:44:21.175 00:44:26.975 So, when you say exclaiming, can you give me, like, a context in which you would say it like this? Transcription 00:44:26.975 00:44:31.987 Like, are you excited about it? Are you...? Transcription 00:44:31.987 00:44:34.437 Like, what context? Transcription 00:44:34.437 00:44:47.200 Yeah, I think, yeah, it's like excited, like, um... you're like, you're, like... Transcription 00:44:47.200 00:44:50.000 How, what context can I think of? Like... Transcription 00:44:50.000 00:45:00.100 Like, okay, so we're talking about something, and then you're like, oh, she likes... you know, that kind of energy? Like, um, we're talking about, like... Transcription 00:45:00.100 00:45:06.400 Gardening, and then, then, you just like go, oh, he likes roses. Transcription 00:45:06.400 00:45:08.662 Like rose, like the rose flower, or something like that. Transcription 00:45:08.662 00:45:10.100 Mhm. Transcription 00:45:10.100 00:45:11.775 Okay. Transcription 00:45:11.775 00:45:20.637 Or for example, if someone, like, or you can use that to, like, sort of, like, when people are saying... Transcription 00:45:20.637 00:45:27.062 Something that you don't agree, or like, for example, or, she don't like cooking, then you're like, oh she likes cooking, actually, yeah. Transcription 00:45:27.062 00:45:31.562 It's the same tone as that, like you're telling them. Transcription 00:45:31.562 00:45:50.875 Okay, yeah, that makes sense, okay. Um, what about if... Transcription 00:45:50.875 00:45:57.750 Okay, here, let me, let me see if this context works for this sentence, so, I wanna say, an kuʔ [ripɛr] motosikar kuʔ. Transcription 00:45:57.750 00:46:04.262 Could I say it if, um, you and I were talking and you know that I crashed my motorcycle hh Transcription 00:46:04.262 00:46:09.512 And I'm in, like, a really bad mood, and you're like, Carly, what's wrong with you? Why are you in a bad mood? And I'm like... Transcription 00:46:09.512 00:46:18.650 an kuʔ [ripɛr] motosikar kuʔ, like, I want to fix my motorcycle. Transcription 00:46:18.650 00:46:21.787 Mm, maybe not, yeah. Transcription 00:46:21.787 00:46:26.700 Not that one? Okay, no, that's good to know, that's good to know, okay. Transcription 00:46:26.700 00:46:31.150 So in that, in that context, I think you would say... Transcription 00:46:31.150 00:46:33.312 Maybe you'll put kuʔ first, kuʔ an. Transcription 00:46:33.312 00:46:35.962 You would kuʔ first there? Okay, okay. Transcription 00:46:35.962 00:46:41.037 kuʔ an ripe motosikar kuʔ, yeah. So the word an, actually, it means want, right? Transcription 00:46:41.037 00:46:49.075 But if you say, so the sentence just now, an kuʔ ripe motosikar kuʔ. Transcription 00:46:49.075 00:46:51.300 So [an] also means, like, maybe. Transcription 00:46:51.300 00:46:58.625 Mm, oh yeah, we have talked about that before, yeah, okay, mhm. Transcription 00:46:58.625 00:47:05.450 But yeah, I think without the din at the end, it probably would not sound like a maybe. Transcription 00:47:05.450 00:47:11.500 But if you say, an kuʔ ripe motosikar kuʔ, eh no, that would, like, I mean it would make sense as a sentence. Transcription 00:47:11.500 00:47:16.762 But in context it just sounds weird, because like, maybe I'm repairing my motorcycle. Transcription 00:47:16.762 00:47:23.412 Okay, okay, okay, um... Transcription 00:47:23.412 00:47:28.312 Okay, so what if I wanted to say, uh, I wanna, I want to wake up early tomorrow? Transcription 00:47:28.312 00:47:30.200 I want her to wake up early tomorrow? Transcription 00:47:30.200 00:47:33.450 I want to wake up early tomorrow, so I'm like, talking about myself. Transcription 00:47:33.450 00:47:34.450 Oh, oh, I want. Transcription 00:47:34.450 00:47:37.875 kuʔ an məkad awar tiə̯ʔ pagi Transcription 00:47:37.875 00:47:48.525 kuʔ an məkad awar tiə̯ʔ pagi Transcription 00:47:48.525 00:47:55.137 Oh, there's another instance of becoming , awar? Transcription 00:47:55.137 00:47:59.400 Yeah, awar, yeah hh Transcription 00:47:59.400 00:48:03.100 Um, okay. Transcription 00:48:03.100 00:48:05.562 Can you say that for me once more? Transcription 00:48:05.562 00:48:11.437 kuʔ an məkad awar tiə̯ʔ pagi Transcription 00:48:11.437 00:48:17.787 Okay. Transcription 00:48:17.787 00:48:20.887 kuʔ an məkad awar [tiə̯] pagi? Transcription 00:48:20.887 00:48:23.737 Yeah, tiə̯ʔ pagi, with the at the end, yeah. Transcription 00:48:23.737 00:48:27.587 tiə̯ʔ, oh yeah, 'cause there's a difference between that and the other one. Transcription 00:48:27.587 00:48:34.850 Yeah, yeah. / It's very important to get that distinction right hhhhhhh Transcription 00:48:34.850 00:48:47.112 %ignore% Transcription 00:48:47.112 00:48:55.012 Okay, um, how would I say, um, I filled the basket with rice? Transcription 00:48:55.012 00:49:00.162 kuʔ... filled, ŋisiʔ, I'd use the word ŋisiʔ, maybe. Transcription 00:49:00.162 00:49:05.512 kuʔ ŋisiʔ, basket... Transcription 00:49:05.512 00:49:11.775 juwah, I think, you know, have you, you know that, um, that basket that you carry? Transcription 00:49:11.775 00:49:15.225 Mhm, on their back, like a, like a backpack? Transcription 00:49:15.225 00:49:20.412 Or maybe on the side, but that thing is called a juwah, yeah. Transcription 00:49:20.412 00:49:23.012 Okay, a juwah? Transcription 00:49:23.012 00:49:27.462 Yeah, juwah, j, u, then a, h, yeah, juwah. Transcription 00:49:27.462 00:49:31.937 Okay, juwah, juwah. Transcription 00:49:31.937 00:49:40.525 Yeah, it's not exactly like a, it's not like a glottal stop in the middle, but like, a double-u almost, like a small double-u. Transcription 00:49:40.525 00:49:44.575 Mm, okay. Transcription 00:49:44.575 00:49:51.350 Yeah, like the, juwah, yeah, it's j, u, a, h, but there's, like, you know, a glide. Transcription 00:49:51.350 00:49:55.500 Mhm, yeah, I don't know if I can do it, but, juwah. Transcription 00:49:55.500 00:49:56.387 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Transcription 00:49:56.387 00:50:01.500 hh okay, yeah, I think you're just being nice, I don't think I did it very well hhhhhh Transcription 00:50:01.500 00:50:02.262 juwah Transcription 00:50:02.262 00:50:06.812 Okay, okay, so what's the whole sentence, uh kuʔ...? Transcription 00:50:06.812 00:50:10.462 kuʔ ŋisiʔ təbiʔ, wait, təbiʔ, rice? Transcription 00:50:10.462 00:50:11.987 Yeah. Transcription 00:50:11.987 00:50:14.500 kuʔ ŋisiʔ təbiʔ diaŋ juwah Transcription 00:50:14.500 00:50:16.112 %ignore% Transcription 00:50:16.112 00:50:18.525 kuʔ ŋisiʔ təbiʔ diaŋ juwah Transcription 00:50:18.525 00:50:29.087 %ignore% Transcription 00:50:29.087 00:50:34.012 And that's, um, [nisi] or [ŋisi]? Transcription 00:50:34.012 00:50:42.125 ŋisiʔ, ŋisiʔ, n, g, i, s, i, ŋisiʔ, k, I think, ŋisiʔ. Transcription 00:50:42.125 00:50:42.812 [nisiʔ] Transcription 00:50:42.812 00:50:49.562 I think you, I think we usually spell it without the , but the, it will always sound with a , ŋisiʔ. Transcription 00:50:49.562 00:50:51.362 ŋisiʔ Transcription 00:50:51.362 00:50:53.187 So we, like, glottal stop, I think, ŋisiʔ. Transcription 00:50:53.187 00:50:58.700 Yeah, yeah, that's what it sounds like to me, ŋisiʔ, ŋisiʔ, okay. Transcription 00:50:58.700 00:51:02.175 Okay, so that's kuʔ ŋisiʔ təbiʔ diaŋ juwah? Transcription 00:51:02.175 00:51:06.375 Yeah. Transcription 00:51:06.375 00:51:11.875 Would it be possible for me to say, diaŋ juwah kuʔ ŋisiʔ təbiʔ? Transcription 00:51:11.875 00:51:18.025 diaŋ juwah kuʔ ŋisiʔ təbiʔ, yeah, now, yeah it's almost like an answer to a question. Transcription 00:51:18.025 00:51:23.625 So if someone, like, where did you, um, fill the rice into, and you say, oh... Transcription 00:51:23.625 00:51:27.675 diaŋ juwah kuʔ ŋisiʔ təbiʔ Transcription 00:51:27.675 00:51:33.125 Okay, so, something that requires a little bit of context before you would probably phrase it that way? Transcription 00:51:33.125 00:51:43.512 Yeah. Transcription 00:51:43.512 00:52:01.487 Um, what if, kind of similar, somebody asked me a question like, oh, what did you put or what did you fill the basket with, could I say, oh, təbiʔ kuʔ ŋisiʔ diaŋ juwah? Transcription 00:52:01.487 00:52:05.375 təbiʔ, təbiʔ ŋisiʔ kuʔ, I think would be better. Transcription 00:52:05.375 00:52:07.762 təbiʔ ŋisiʔ kuʔ diaŋ juwah Transcription 00:52:07.762 00:52:09.475 təbiʔ ŋisiʔ kuʔ diaŋ juwah Transcription 00:52:09.475 00:52:39.587 Transcription 00:52:39.587 00:52:46.037 Okay, so then, how would I actually ask that question, um, what did you fill the basket with? If I wanted to ask that question. Transcription 00:52:46.037 00:52:48.337 ni ŋisiʔ muʔ diaŋ juwah? Transcription 00:52:48.337 00:52:55.612 ni ŋisiʔ muʔ diaŋ juwah? Transcription 00:52:55.612 00:52:59.762 ni ŋisiʔ muʔ diaŋ juwah. Transcription 00:52:59.762 00:53:08.950 Yeah. Transcription 00:53:08.950 00:53:12.675 Uh, could I ever say... Transcription 00:53:12.675 00:53:18.625 u ŋisiʔ diaŋ juwah ni? Transcription 00:53:18.625 00:53:19.862 kuʔ or u? Transcription 00:53:19.862 00:53:20.712 u. Transcription 00:53:20.712 00:53:21.650 u. Transcription 00:53:21.650 00:53:27.125 * u ŋisiʔ diaŋ juwah ni? Transcription 00:53:27.125 00:53:31.175 Yeah, I don't that's right, I don't think that's a, yeah. Transcription 00:53:31.175 00:53:31.950 Yeah, okay. Transcription 00:53:31.950 00:53:36.900 If someone were to ask me that, I would assume that they mean, they meant... Transcription 00:53:36.900 00:53:39.350 u ŋisiʔ diaŋ juwah aki ndi? Transcription 00:53:39.350 00:53:43.662 You know, which, which basket, yeah, because it's almost the same, yeah? Transcription 00:53:43.662 00:53:44.312 Okay. Transcription 00:53:44.312 00:53:51.212 I know it's, like, wrong, but if someone were to say that sentence, I would assume that they want to ask me which basket I put it in. Transcription 00:53:51.212 00:53:55.212 Okay, and how would, so how do you say, which basket did I put it in? Transcription 00:53:55.212 00:53:56.225 Um... Transcription 00:53:56.225 00:54:08.275 u ŋisiʔ təbiʔ diaŋ juwah aki ndiʔ? Transcription 00:54:08.275 00:54:13.075 u ŋisiʔ təbiʔ diaŋ juwah aki ndiʔ? Transcription 00:54:13.075 00:54:15.275 aki, what's the last word? Transcription 00:54:15.275 00:54:17.275 ndiʔ, the word for one. Transcription 00:54:17.275 00:54:18.237 Mm. Transcription 00:54:18.237 00:54:22.425 ndiʔ? / Yeah, ndiʔ. Transcription 00:54:22.425 00:54:34.562 Okay. Transcription 00:54:34.562 00:54:41.462 Um, okay, so then, what about, uh, u ŋisiʔ ni diaŋ juwah? Transcription 00:54:41.462 00:54:43.000 u ŋisiʔ ni diaŋ juwah? Transcription 00:54:43.000 00:54:49.150 Yeah, it means, yeah, what are you filling into the basket. Transcription 00:54:49.150 00:54:53.775 And is that kinda, is that a natural way to say that, or does that feel kinda weird? Transcription 00:54:53.775 00:54:55.850 u ŋisiʔ ni diaŋ juwah? Transcription 00:54:55.850 00:54:56.312 Mhm. Transcription 00:54:56.312 00:54:58.425 Yeah, sounds, yeah, natural. Transcription 00:54:58.425 00:54:59.575 That sounds natural? Transcription 00:54:59.575 00:55:09.462 Yeah. Transcription 00:55:09.462 00:55:16.912 Okay, and then, last one, 'cause we're running out of time, uh, what did you fill with rice? Transcription 00:55:16.912 00:55:19.137 What did you fill with rice? Transcription 00:55:19.137 00:55:22.200 u ŋisiʔ ni pakay təbiʔ Transcription 00:55:22.200 00:55:26.625 Eh wait, wait, no, u ŋisiʔ ni, u ŋisiʔ ni... Transcription 00:55:26.625 00:55:33.925 What did you fill with rice? u ŋisiʔ ni... Transcription 00:55:33.925 00:55:39.225 Yeah, I think, yeah, that sounds like the most correct to me right now. Transcription 00:55:39.225 00:55:41.825 u ŋisiʔ ni pakay təbiʔ Transcription 00:55:41.825 00:55:46.662 u ŋisiʔ ni pakay təbiʔ Transcription 00:55:46.662 00:55:53.350 No, no, wait, ni ŋisiʔ muʔ pakay təbiʔ, yeah, that sounds like... ni ŋisiʔ muʔ, ni ŋisiʔ muʔ pakay təbiʔ... Transcription 00:55:53.350 00:55:55.750 Yeah, ni ŋisiʔ muʔ pakay təbiʔ. Transcription 00:55:55.750 00:56:05.462 ni ŋisiʔ muʔ pakay təbiʔ Transcription 00:56:05.462 00:56:07.675 ni ŋisiʔ...? Transcription 00:56:07.675 00:56:16.050 ni ŋisiʔ muʔ pakay təbiʔ Transcription 00:56:16.050 00:56:18.625 And pakay? Transcription 00:56:18.625 00:56:20.062 Yeah, pakay. Transcription 00:56:20.062 00:56:21.175 With? Transcription 00:56:21.175 00:56:24.962 Yeah, it, yeah it means, like, with, yeah, pakay. Transcription 00:56:24.962 00:56:25.987 pakay. Transcription 00:56:25.987 00:56:32.287 But, I think it means with only in this specific context. Transcription 00:56:32.287 00:56:34.187 Yeah. Transcription 00:56:34.187 00:56:37.887 Yeah, I feel like we've had the word with before, and you've given me a different word. Transcription 00:56:37.887 00:56:40.475 Yeah. Transcription 00:56:40.475 00:56:44.362 Okay. Transcription 00:56:44.362 00:56:45.700 With... Transcription 00:56:45.700 00:56:52.525 %ignore% Transcription 00:56:52.525 00:56:55.175 Okay, alright! Transcription 00:56:55.175 00:56:57.025 We are all finished! I will... Transcription 00:56:57.025 00:56:58.137 Yeah, yeah. Transcription 00:56:58.137 00:56:59.424 stop the recording.