‘ama'a lasa - funny person ‘ama'a - person O xea ‘ama'a lasa - She is a funny person 'alanoa lasa - funny story Gona 'alanoa lasa - That's a funny story ‘ama'a tau 'alanoa - story teller ------------------------------- A basi - the bus gauna - first time curu - enter (like a hole) viro - also Ama'ai ni gauna, o xea agane koi, me voto na basi. First time, this man, he rides the bus. O xea ma laxo 'ixo xina tauni o Labasa. Kai ma'axa'a 'ixo a ‘aga niu, a vesuvesu talo, va'a ona xa'o. Ni sa xele a basi, e tolava a vanua e 'u xina a yaya e na muri ni basi. When the bus stopped, he opened the place for goods at the back of the bus. Sa kai, vei'ara'ara 'axina ona yaya i loma. So, he stacked up his goods inside. E kai curu viro na i loma. And he also got inside. Mai sogo'a 'axari ni vanua tau tai xina a xaxo. Then he closed the door of the compartment where you always put your cargo. Xaxo - cargo Tau - always Tai - put Sogo’a - close 'Axari - door Vanua - place Sa kai xara vei draiva i mata. Laxo, go! Then he shouted to the driver in the front: Go, GO! Xena 'o'i'o'i. --------------------------------- Full joke in Bua: Ama'ai ni gauna, o xea agane koi, me voto na basi. O xea ma laxo 'ixo xina tauni o Labasa. Ni sa xele a basi, e tolava a vanua e 'u xina a yaya e na muri ni basi. Sa kai, vei'ara'ara 'axina ona yaya i loma. E kai curu viro na i loma. Mai sogo'a 'axari ni vanua tau tai xina a xaxo. Sa kai xara vei draiva i mata. Laxo! Go! Xena 'o'i'o'i. ---------------------------------- Natural-ish English translation: There was this guy, and it was the first time he’d ever rode a bus. He was going to a town called Labasa. He was carrying a sack of coconuts, a bundle of taro, and his bag. When the bus stopped, he opened the luggage compartment at the back of the bus, and stacked his belongings inside. Then he got inside too. He closed the door to the luggage compartment, he shouted to the driver in the front ‘Laxo! Go!’ The End.