file:C:\Users\Andrea\Desktop\Desktop\Fun stuff\ChimbuWahgi\Documentatary_Materials\FILESFORDEPOSIT\AB1-044.eaf Monday, July 27, 2015 5:35 PM Kuman Text Dumda i we, i pra dinga i we. sungenagle dumge i ana pra Kinan wagla i yendinaglo? English Free Translation We say it, you've said it enough. we've said a short one. OK That's okay can I remove it from your ears? TC 00:00:31.450 - 00:00:35.990 Kuman Text Ae i endinnantne we. A sungengle ta dinaglke wa ana pra ta dinantno? Ta prae wope dinaliwa English Free Translation Yes you can. I will say a short one. okay so you want to say another one? I'll think of one and say. TC 00:00:36.010 - 00:00:47.080 Kuman Text Aiya, Yomba yene mekuo kui dinaimpmae deperiakua deni(?)kua pangua i te no kunde ka i boglo sumngai English Free Translation Aiya! Those of you people who are here want to say something can say it and I'm talking about the past TC 00:00:51.550 - 00:01:01.900 Kuman Text Boglo Sumga ene pra pringua i we. I pra angitna Kindgal i bolo sungua pra endu atne ongua. endu atne ongua. Ene pra suota din i wa eh na suota di i wa, i pra endu atne angua, yegl erungua i we. English Free Translation I've said it and you people have heard it. That's enough your brother said it and it is recorded. It's recorded you have said three. Yes I've said three, this is also recorded. Yes it is. TC 00:01:01.900 - 00:01:13.910 Kuman Text Endu atne omia ana ero alkor ye pe iro botndre alkor buk alkor i ikene hunangua. Yome mere yegl mere. Aiya! Yongu ite kengra wakai kengra paima a. English Free Translation It is recorded so this is what she will do. She will write it down and bring back the book just like what we see here. Aiya! You've build (built?) a nice house so they slept in it. TC 00:01:14.180 - 00:01:31.769