file:C:\Users\Andrea\Desktop\Desktop\Fun stuff\ChimbuWahgi\Documentatary_Materials\FILESFORDEPOSIT\AB1-041.eaf Monday, July 27, 2015 5:35 PM Kuman Text No i. okona (mopnga i ... e?), no okona (mopn-ga?) i yegl hunga. Yene neno angro bigla baekua ero i bigla baekua i bogl mogl mitna i no sibuko de norengua English Free Translation We the people in the past, thats what we the people in the past did. When our fathers and brothers cut the pig, they used to cut the upper part of it and give it to us. TC 00:00:42.720 - 00:00:54.660 Kuman Text i kugutno gatno mitna ya mokono mitna ya yomba kui i yarumga i English Free Translation This is used on our cloths and our back and such TC 00:00:55.890 - 00:01:01.760 Kuman Text Kuyegl akenniglkra we demogl bigla i beakua i bogl mogl mitna i sibuko noringua, noringua i English Free Translation They knew that we will use it like this so when cutting pigs, the upper part is cut and given to us TC 00:01:03.800 - 00:01:09.430 Kuman Text Noringuo ana i pe mogl wam (kui?) si bugl tre si si bre minge pond ta yommara i pond ta yommara sendinguo imae embia de nigl dal yel yange pai moglkuo English Free Translation When its given to us, we take it and get the grease and rub it on our skin and also collect them in container like thing which is big. In this container like thing the grease is filled to the brim like water and drips down. TC 00:01:09.430 - 00:01:20.890 Kuman Text No (younga?) i yae mogl ana kuanagl enge ya kuiyegl paungua enge i yomba i English Free Translation We kept it and some times when certin festival (celebration) occurs, we got this TC 00:01:21.160 - 00:01:27.000 Kuman Text pra nigl paipai mogl yomba ki erumga. Gamba munu kui sindre yegl hunga English Free Translation We wash and rub this on our skin, paint our body using mud with various designs thats what we used to do TC 00:01:27.460 - 00:01:32.790 Kuman Text Yegl erumgo mogla ana minge i hungua enge i ana no kui si noringua neno angro kui sura sura de yu noringuo English Free Translation After doing this the kina shell was introduced, during this time they give it to us, our fathers and brothers took one each and give it to us TC 00:01:33.110 - 00:01:42.070 Kuman Text Tongo mogl bis i sura, minge dal yegl, minge tongo atne imbo ende mogl bis i sura kumbere tongumga tongo tongo tongo yegl erumga English Free Translation We wear it on our neck. This necklace is like the kina shell, we wear the kina shell underneat and this necklace is twisted and (won?) on our neck TC 00:01:42.150 - 00:01:51.310 Kuman Text Ana gamba muno si endwer ite yomba kui te hunaigkura we de mogl no gamba muno si yara wakai yene ere mopnga i. Ere (mopngo-o?) English Free Translation Then we made various designs with mud on our, knowing that those people are going to come in the night so we design our face nicely and wait for them. After doing this TC 00:01:51.310 - 00:02:00.240 Kuman Text Peren no i pra ende (yungul heynguai?) heyngua i manoma i. nenoma i, ende i ende i sura suko, suko, suko. Ekre, ekre ekre, endingua yonguo English Free Translation Our friends go to the house. When they come our mothers and fathers collect firewood and split them and pile them up TC 00:02:00.250 - 00:02:11.170 Kuman Text Yaringua i, eringua yel yonguo i. Manoma i mangigl yene yegl maeglkua i. English Free Translation They leave them like this. Our mothers stayed very close TC 00:02:11.290 - 00:02:16.800 Kuman Text Ende yegl yugum kombuglo bakmara i yegl yenguo no, kumugl heyngua i we noyomane kiyo hegngua i we, grai kamanuku English Free Translation They put the firewood next to where the fire place is, then the boys come all the way from Noyomane, Grai Kamanuku, etc TC 00:02:16.880 - 00:02:23.700 Kuman Text Hangua i no mangigl nogugl yegl mogl (de-yara?) singil gaugl ere mopnga, nuguno ka de. yegl ere mopnga. yegl erumga i we English Free Translation When they go we sit where everyone can see us and talk with them and play and crack jokes with them. Thats what we used to do and in doing so TC 00:02:23.860 - 00:02:33.300 Kuman Text Erumga neno-angro i ende ere mogl mogl mogl yono yea (yea?) eringua. Yegl eringua. Mokona (yongua?) enge i yegl ere noringua yegl eringua English Free Translation Our fathers and brothers used to be exhausted in collecting and splitting fire wood. Thats what we used to do when we have food they used to do this to us. Thats what they do TC 00:02:33.590 - 00:02:42.730 Kuman Text Ana kungul i, amul i, amugul i kungul yagl mogl yaringua, ana imae pra dangeglae-bangeglae kui i wakai yene (yeyeee?) norengua i we English Free Translation Okay the mats, (pandanus?) mats are planted and this is what they do, then they wave it nicely and give it to us. TC 00:02:42.730 - 00:02:57.920 Kuman Text Kugl momnga, kugl mogltre wakai yea noringua manoma kor meamia. Wakai ere noringuo moltre (kumugl-amai?) dide erumga English Free Translation We spread it and sit on it, it was nicely woven and given to us to sit on because our mothers are alive. They usually made best ones for us and we used to sit and sing with the boys. TC 00:02:58.350 - 00:03:06.710 Kuman Text De singegl-gaugl ere mogl. Gumano bange mitna kandre dumga no (mopinewa?). Eremae yegl ta ere (kringua?) i. Ene planget were pra sidatde paingua i we English Free Translation We sing and crack jokes together. We used to look straight in the face and sing. Today you people are not doing this. You only cover yourselves in the blankets and sleep away. TC 00:03:06.980 - 00:03:17.370 Kuman Text Tae kungugl gagl wanamne de prengua eremeane kui ti we ekene ekene pe wannima kankani yo, yegl erengua English Free Translation And when you want to go around, you only wear cloths and go around during the day, this is what you used to do TC 00:03:17.980 - 00:03:23.320 Kuman Text No i mopnga i yegl erumnga, gangen no mitna i nigl yange (yonguo?) mopnga yange (yonguo?) mopnga English Free Translation For us, this is what we used to do, our skin is full of grease and shines like water. it shines and we stay TC 00:03:23.560 - 00:03:29.360 Kuman Text kumul yal kui wakai dedre nogugl i dumguo manoma i, kumugl tu kuiyano boglkua i wai bugl noringua i we. Wai bugl bugl wakai yene ere ere English Free Translation We sing with the young boys out in the open space (where everybody can see us), when we like a boy, our mothers normally cook sweet potatoe on the ashes of the fire and give it to us, they cook it nicely and give it to us TC 00:03:29.910 - 00:03:38.260 Kuman Text bagl bagl bugl bugl. Wai daka ambu ya bandane ambu ya wai wakai. (Wai wakai?) eremae nono wai kanekane hungua yatne nomnga English Free Translation The peel it nicely and make sure it cooks properly. They cook best sweet potatoe like daka ambu and bandane ambu (traditional name of kaukau) give it to us. Those were the best sweet potatoes, to day (vanity?) of sweet potatoes come in and we plant them. TC 00:03:38.260 - 00:03:45.800 Kuman Text Wai wakai yene bugl bugl imae yenguo ye (gegaugl-kannguo?) de mogl mogl (endena-mne?) de eringua i ta pai kremea yene pra de mopnga endenguo. Kro maeglkua i wanningua winguo dumgo endenguo. yegl erumga. wakai yegl ere dumga English Free Translation All the best sweet potatoes were nicely cooked an dprepared. We sing courtship songs until the boys decided to leave. The boys never sleeps with us, we only sing and they go. The next group of boys come. We sing and they go away Thats how we used to sing nicely. TC 00:03:45.800 - 00:03:59.990 Kuman Text Dumnga mogl eremae, ya eremia yene eremae kaninga mogl kumugl ambai wakai di kringua English Free Translation We sing so today, this is what they do. What I see today is, the young boys and girls do not sing properly. TC 00:04:00.130 - 00:04:08.330 Kuman Text Planget ya yomba i (werae?) mogl, tomn pe atne kero paingua i we English Free Translation They just cover themselves with blanket and sleep under the blanket TC 00:04:08.530 - 00:04:12.820 Kuman Text Paimia, no i, yene i, ende (neno, angra?) dumnga i wakai yene suko suko suko hekre noringua English Free Translation They sleep, for us, is, we tell our fathers and brothers to split good fire wood and give them to us TC 00:04:12.990 - 00:04:18.670 Kuman Text Manema kungul i si yal yal mol wakai yene ererere noringua i we, noringuo mogl kumugl ambai (ku dinailgkua i?) we, kungul kui kugl mogl deyo dingua. Bet tambre wakai yegl ere noringuo dumnga i. Dindre (wai-mokona?) nendre yegl erere erumnga English Free Translation Our mothers used to plant those plants for making mats and weave nice mats for us, they give it to us and said when you sing with the boys, you can sit on it and sing. Its more like a bed nicely woven and given to us and we sing. We sing and we eat sweet potatoes and greens at the same time and thats what we used to do. TC 00:04:18.790 - 00:04:35.330 Kuman Text yegl erumnga, gumano drano mitna kimbo kandre (kandeo?), singel gagul eridre yegl erumga, nogugl yegl erumnga, nogul yegl erumnga i (the notebook has a lot of words that aren't here at the end of this passage) English Free Translation That's what we used to do, we look in the face and joke and laugh together, thats what we do in the public. TC 00:04:35.360 - 00:04:43.470 Kuman Text Kuanand henge ta pangua henge i, (neno-angro?) i bilas wakai yene noringua i we, bilas wakai yene noringuo. no pe mogl English Free Translation When we have special occasion like a day for sing sing, our fathers and brothers provid us with best traditional costums, they give us the best traditional costumes and we stay. TC 00:04:43.580 - 00:04:49.920 Kuman Text Endu-u-u, kongune kimae pamae dinguo endu (konguno?) omga i we. Tae (endu-u-Gandewoglkuna?) kui pamae dinguo, endu Gandwoglkuna kui omga i we English Free Translation When the sing sing is held at Konguno, we go to Konguno and when they said that it will be held at Gandewoglkuna we go to Gandewoglkuna TC 00:04:50.180 - 00:04:57.610 Kuman Text Tae no kui ere yae mogl, kuanand gal (yae?) dumgo (i. Yomba?) heglkimae neno-angro kimae kike si endwengua i we English Free Translation And we also used to get ourselves prepared and inform others that we will host a sing sing. Our neighbouring clans used to mobilize and come TC 00:04:57.780 - 00:05:04.090 Kuman Text Endewingua (i-konda-a?) pra yoko yek melgkua i we. (Singigl-gagul?) wakai yene ere dumnga. English Free Translation When they come that's it, they used to stay. We used to sing and joke nicely TC 00:05:04.380 - 00:05:10.950 Kuman Text (Dumnga?) mogl, gangino mitna i nigl yange moglkua nigl yange moglkua, yange moglkuo no wakai yegl ere dumnga. (Story?) ta di i wa, di i wa yoko kumugl ambai mompnga di wa. English Free Translation We sing and water usually drips down from our skin (our skin shine), water drip down and it drips down and we used to sing nicely like this. I am telling a story now, I am telling it. Its all about us the young boys and girls. TC 00:05:11.120 - 00:05:23.340