file:///C:/Users/Andrea/Desktop/Desktop/Fun stuff/ChimbuWahgi/Documentatary_Materials/FILESFORDEPOSIT/AB1-038.eaf Monday, July 27, 2015 5:40 PM Kuman Text Kiap hungua i, Kiap hunga i, no gag kembra moglko, ga kanbra moglka Kiap hungua i Gambogl ende imae hungua English Free Translation The Kiaps came when I was a small kid. They came down from Gambogl. TC 00:00:49.430 - 00:00:59.710 Kuman Text Gambogl ende imae hu kuiro Goglme hude ana endu yagl Gerigl kemagl gagl (hu-dimea?) de mogl English Free Translation They came from Gambogl all the way to Goglme and we thought the Geregl people send their magic TC 00:01:01.240 - 00:01:08.720 Kuman Text No yange amae dede, angra ta (yonguo?), ambara ta yonnguo, na yengo omgra i. Yagl kane. ("?) imbara ti burr dungua kondo win English Free Translation So all of us sit down, one of my brother, a sister and I went. People!! There's something with a loud noice TC 00:01:08.720 - 00:01:20.730 Kuman Text Ereme kan opmba (sumgdi?) i. Okona kui, aiya kundul prae, yomba ita kiyamugl humo mo tragl ta ere dumiya de English Free Translation Today we see it as it is. In the past, we were afraid, we though landslide will happen or something is going to happen TC 00:01:21.490 - 00:01:29.860 Kuman Text Sragl erarambe de no mangig guno bogl bogl munga. Na Binga (yanindo?) bagl bitna waglke yegl yel ye mungo ti English Free Translation We though what's gona happen next so we bend down and stayed. I cut a leaf and put it on my head and stay there and we stayed TC 00:01:29.870 - 00:01:36.470 Kuman Text Imbara te endungua i endu-u, endu Kundiwa hungua. Kundiwa hungua, Aya! Endwer sragl eramba moda yomba ita wunguo kamgra wa, kundugl pre munga i we English Free Translation The thing went past towards Kundiwa. When it goes towards Kundiwa, we said, Aiya!!/gosh What's going to happen at night and we were afraid because we have seen that thing went past TC 00:01:36.470 - 00:01:48.350 Kuman Text Nigl kiyamugl, makan i bruk si mogl no yeinde niglge (nambi?), Aiya ah!! de kagkane ye munga i tamangai English Free Translation We thought, landslide might come, the ground will break open and take us to the river and waited but nothing. TC 00:01:48.550 - 00:01:56.690 Kuman Text Ye hu, angre kan kan mogl pe pata ye endungua i. Pata dendungua enduwingua. Winggun hu ana (youngigl?) iti winguo kunda mangigl bogl mogl pata suwa sigaeglkua English Free Translation It only came looking around and went and brought the fathers. It brought the fathers and as (soon?) as they came, they fought and killed two fathers. TC 00:01:57.180 - 00:02:11.450 Kuman Text I no sina weimae de, pata suwo sigaglkua ta kuiya Gambogl kiyo pamiha, ta ende kiro Mingende padipmia. English Free Translation They thought they came to fight them so they killed two fathers, one was buried at Gambogl and another at Mingende. TC 00:02:11.910 - 00:02:21.320 Kuman Text Yegl eremimiya, ana wende dagl erimo de mogl pe Kiap gundo i wingua i kano, erme (hu?) no singua i we. Ene fata si taragl eringgua i we de mogl English Free Translation You did this and thought you are hero so they went and brought the Kiaps (in?), they came and bashed us and said why are you killing the fathers. TC 00:02:21.960 - 00:02:32.390 Kuman Text Gun kake (yenduinggua?) giglke de no si kaima de merekinde no si gaeglkua English Free Translation They brought their strong guns and fight us and killed many of us. TC 00:02:33.315 - 00:02:39.125 Kuman Text Ene eringua i ere (kryo?) dingua ana mundi ihu noringua English Free Translation They told us not to do what we did and they broght salt and gave it to us TC 00:02:39.710 - 00:02:43.550 Kuman Text Gamba ihu noringua, tragl kane kane i ihu noringua no amamas erumga, Aiya!! Yomba kankre ere munga taragl wakai ninamnga (iwingua?) pam ba de pra Kiap te hu mogl no ake sidaun dunggua i kano munga i. English Free Translation They brought soil to us, and brough all sorts of goods and gave them to us and we were very happy and said, Aiya!! Those people brought good things for us but we didnt know so this is how the Kiaps settle us and we stayed. TC 00:02:46.610 - 00:03:04.220 Kuman Text Kiap hu pandigl (ana?) no ake daun (dumia?) gun ye amamas ere munga English Free Translation The Kiaps came and settle us so we were happy and stayed. TC 00:03:05.310 - 00:03:10.790 Kuman Text (Miugegl?) kumugl hungua endekene ongua i yagl kurwo Miugegl kumugl English Free Translation Miugegl came and went back, the white man Miugegl. TC 00:03:10.900 - 00:03:16.270 Kuman Text Te pata hungua yoko munga i. Hungua ende atne onguo, kor moglkua endu hunguo, hunguo ende atne onguo kor moglkua hunguo erenga. Pata ana gaegegl de winguo suna munga i. English Free Translation The fathers came and we are still here. Those who came (lied?) and next one came died, and next came again. The fathers are the strong people who came and we stayed. TC 00:03:16.620 - 00:03:28.700 Kuman Text Missin swara ta Miugegl kumugl we de ta hunga, ende ekene ongua yegl (pammere?) diwa. English Free Translation For mission, there's only one called Miugegl who came and went back. That's all. Im done. TC 00:03:29.110 - 00:03:37.290