file:///C:/Users/Andrea/Desktop/Desktop/Fun stuff/ChimbuWahgi/Documentatary_Materials/FILESFORDEPOSIT/AB1-013.eaf Monday, July 27, 2015 5:30 PM Kuman Text Ana, atne (na?) stori okona mogl pai (eunnere?) i kra atne stori denariwa, Goroka uni (mol-tre?) dinarewa English Free Translation Okay, today I'm going to tell a story about how we use to live in the past, I am at the University of Goroka and Im going to tell the story. TC 00:00:39.760 - 00:00:48.200 Kuman Text Okona we tumbuna law imbo mogl winggua i mogl pai (erumga?) i kurwo atne hunguo kunguglgagl a paper tragl i atne hunguo erekuo mogl English Free Translation In the past we live under the tumbuna law. White people just came today (recently) with cloths, paper and staffs. All these just came recently. TC 00:00:48.940 - 00:00:58.130 Kuman Text no okona imbo mogl humga i kondai pure, ende nangeye kumat dae (arumbuglondonguo?) i yegl ere omnggo English Free Translation Those of us who live in the past, we wear lap lap like thing twisted from bush ropes with belt made from tree's bark and bush materials things TC 00:00:58.250 - 00:01:05.970 Kuman Text (ana?) kungo (no?) soap (no?) tragl i ta manguo yoko nigl yoko pandre tral yegl wanmogl humnga humnga English Free Translation There is no oil, soap or such things nothing, we wash nothing and continue this until TC 00:01:05.970 - 00:01:12.240 Kuman Text ana kunda mina bola mul moltre, kimbre (kuglo?) kulgang eresre nomane ta (panggua?) i kimbre kogl, yer bagl English Free Translation we stay in the fight, make bow and arrows and (one thing in?) our mind is to make bow. Sharpen spear TC 00:01:12.240 - 00:01:19.620 Kuman Text kunda ere, pe yomba si goramga i nomano yongo ere humga (humga?) suna bange i kruwo hundre (kunguglgal?) lap lap norukua English Free Translation go fight and kill people is in our mind until some where in between the white people came and give us cloths like lap lap TC 00:01:20.530 - 00:01:28.480 Kuman Text ana lap lap norusre gagsuna norusre tragl i nore hunggua ana yegl norukuo ana i pure gun ye ere munguo English Free Translation Than they gave us lap lap and shirts and those things and we wear them and were happy going around TC 00:01:28.480 - 00:01:36.040 Kuman Text ana (huku?) kamabuno ende suna humio. Kamabuno hunga yomba Jim Tyler we dingua ta kamabuno (i hungua?) English Free Translation And later the gospal came in. The gospal came through a person names Jim Tylor TC 00:01:36.260 - 00:01:44.220 Kuman Text ana pra (endumga?). Kamabuno humara i pra mogl ana mogl krende mogl ere humngua humngua ana neno kande kamo ende suna hunggua English Free Translation Than we came. Through this gospal we stay quitely until the word of God came in. TC 00:01:44.220 - 00:01:51.690 Kuman Text Yomba buk Bible endunguo erukuo ana kere norekuo pre ana pre ere pepe nomane (sensim?) hunia. (Sensim?) ere (kondum-go?) English Free Translation The Book Bible came in too so people read it to us. We heard it and chage our attitude After changing TC 00:01:51.690 - 00:01:59.460 Kuman Text ana pra law yel yel pamia de paper. Kruwo hundre paper kane kane bogl, kindine kane kane de norsre ka kane kane de norikuo English Free Translation Than they say there are so and so rule (law) and the white people came write all sorts of paper, give all sorts of desaipline to us and say all sorts of things to us TC 00:02:00.580 - 00:02:07.800 Kuman Text ana prae ere hu ana (nomano?) yaket tendre atne pra (hu-u?) atne angai wakai kaimane mogl (endum-ga?) English Free Translation Than we listen to the word until now we change our attitude altogether and today we live in good place TC 00:02:08.100 - 00:02:14.980 Kuman Text atne mogl (humnga?) prae atne ga, yomba meagkua i atne wakai moltre (waimokona?) wakai nendre hugl wakai pai yegl (erekua?) prae atne stori dewa English Free Translation Today we live so today the children and people live peacefully and eat properly and sleep properly. I tell this story about what we use to do. TC 00:02:14.980 - 00:02:23.830