kue-md-20120215-spirit.eaf/AB1-005 Kuman language (kue) Speaker Muguwa Dilu Recorded by Andrea L Berez and the University of Hawaii at Manoa Department of Linguistics Field Methods Class, February 15, 2012. normative sentence ah yomba gexkwa taim i yomba gexkwa taim i no ples yek mere ownga intonation units yomba gexkwa taim i, (1.6) yomba gexkwa taim i:, no ples uh, yek mere ownga. words and morphemes yomba ge-xkw-a taim i yomba ge-xkw-a taim i no ples yek mere ow-ng-a gloss people die-3P-DECL time DEF people die-3.P-DECL time DEF 1P village like this do-1P.REALLY-DECL English free translation When people die, when people die, we back in the village, do this. TC 00:00:25.380 - 00:00:36.035 normative sentence (2.1) TC 00:00:36.035 - 00:00:38.213 normative sentence ene nen man mo angitn ambatn mo yak awan mo awan mo intonation units Ene, nen man mo, angitn ambatn mo, yak awan mo awan mo, words and morphemes ene nen man mo angitn ambatn mo yak awan mo awan mo gloss 2 father mother or brother sister or man grandparent or grandparent or English free translation Your parents or siblings or grandfather or grandparents or TC 00:00:38.213 - 00:00:43.106 normative sentence (0.2) TC 00:00:43.106 - 00:00:43.285 normative sentence i ta gorambuki yunguk goran i pra wakai ana yunguk ta goxkaran intonation units i ta gorambuki, yunguk goran, (0.4) i pra wakai. (1.3) Ana yunguk ta goxkaran. words and morphemes i ta go-rambuk-i yunguk go-ran i pra wakai ana yunguk ta goxk-aran gloss DEF INDEF die-3S.REALLY-? inside die-? DEF then good and inside INDEF die-? English free translation If either of them die, if they die at home, it's good, but if not at home, TC 00:00:43.285 - 00:00:50.023 normative sentence (0.8) TC 00:00:50.023 - 00:00:50.773 normative sentence menda kunda mana mo ir kam mana mo intonation units Menda, kunda mana mo, ir kam mana mo:, words and morphemes menda kunda mana mo ir kam mana mo gloss outside fight LOC or wind rain LOC or English free translation Outside, during a fight, or during wind or rain, TC 00:00:50.773 - 00:00:54.420 normative sentence (0.6) TC 00:00:54.420 - 00:00:55.070 normative sentence ana ende buko di sugorambo mo makan buko di sugorambo mo intonation units ana ende buko di sugorambo mo, makan buko di sugorambo mo:, words and morphemes ana ende buko di su-go-ramb-o mo makan buko di su-go-ramb-o mo gloss and tree broken PATH fight-die-?-SWITCHREF or ground broken PATH fight-die-?-SWITCHREF or English free translation And if the tree breaks, or the ground breaks, TC 00:00:55.070 - 00:00:59.000 normative sentence (0.5) TC 00:00:59.000 - 00:00:59.526 normative sentence yek ta kanekane yek rambuxka taim i intonation units yek ta kanekane yek rambuxka taim i. words and morphemes yek ta kanekane yek ra-mbuxk-a taim i gloss like(DM) INDEF various like (DM) do-3S.REALLY-DECL time DEF English free translation When all kinds of things like this happen, TC 00:00:59.530 - 00:01:01.202 normative sentence (1.0) TC 00:01:01.202 - 00:01:02.106 normative sentence ana kwiya menda wan moxk mendi no yek di punga pre ana intonation units Ana:, kwiya menda wan moxk mendi:, no yek di punga, (1.7) pre ana words and morphemes ana kwiya menda wan moxk mendi no yek di pu-ng-a pre ana gloss and spirit outside go stay ?-QUOT 1PL like(DM) PATH think.realis.really-decl so(DM) and English free translation And we think the spirit lives outside, so TC 00:01:02.106 - 00:01:08.856 normative sentence (1.5) TC 00:01:08.856 - 00:01:10.356 normative sentence axke kastam yek mere pangwa yomba prikwa intonation units axke kastam uh, yek .. mere pangwa. Yomba (2.3) prikwa, words and morphemes axke kastam yek mere pa-ngw-a yomba pri-kw-a gloss so custom like(DM) like lie-realis.really-decl people think-3.REALIS.REALLY-DECL English free translation So the custom is like this, people think TC 00:01:10.356 - 00:01:19.106 normative sentence (1.0) TC 00:01:19.106 - 00:01:20.059 normative sentence kwiya menda wan mok axke yomba gixk kunduk ere yomba ere sindre yek rambra pre moxk intonation units kwiya menda wan moxk axke, (0.7) yomba gixk kunduk ere yomba ere sindre yek, rambra pre moxk uh, words and morphemes kwiya menda wan moxk axke yomba gixk kunduk ere yomba ere si-ndre yek ra-mbr-a pre moxk gloss spirit outside go stay so people ghost scare do people do fight-SEQ like(DM) do-hopefully-DECL so stay English free translation The spirit lives outside, and will scare people and fight, so, TC 00:01:20.059 - 00:01:25.940 normative sentence 0.042 TC 00:01:25.940 - 00:01:25.982 normative sentence nemangikma ya yek pindre enduwer intonation units .. nemangikma ya:, eh yek pindre, (0.6) enduwer. words and morphemes nemangikma ya yek pi-ndre enduwer gloss relatives and like(DM) go-SEQ night English free translation The relatives and so on, go in the night and then, TC 00:01:25.982 - 00:01:30.159 normative sentence (1.4) TC 00:01:30.159 - 00:01:31.546 normative sentence enduwer ana pindre yomba goxkmara i angai dumo i pindre moxk ana kangie daixkwiwe intonation units Enduwer a:na pindre, yomba goxkmara i:, angai dumo i pindre moxk uh, .. ana kangie daixkwiwe, words and morphemes enduwer ana pi-ndre yomba goxk-mara i angai dumo i pi-ndre moxk ana kangi-e dai-xk-iwe gloss night and go-SEQ people die-LOC DEF place place DEF go-SEQ stay and name-3.S.POSS say-3P-? English free translation In the night they go and where the man died, they go and call his name TC 00:01:31.546 - 00:01:38.809 normative sentence (0.6) TC 00:01:38.809 - 00:01:39.380 normative sentence nem pi daxkwo mam pi daxkwo ambuko angike wam ambuko kanekane pi daxkwo intonation units nem pi daxkwo mam pi daxkwo:, (0.4) ambuko angike wam ambuko, kanekane pi daxkwo, words and morphemes nem pi da-kw-o mam pi da-xkw-o ambuko angike wam ambuko kanekane pi da-xkw-o gloss father go say-3P-SWITCHREF mother go say-3P-SWITCHREF daughter brother go daughter various go say-3P-SWITCHREF English free translation His father goes and calls, his mother goes and calls, daughter, brother, son, daughter, and all of them go and call, TC 00:01:39.380 - 00:01:46.166 normative sentence (..) TC 00:01:46.166 - 00:01:46.237 normative sentence mo yomba menda ta fren pamara mo i ta pi daxkwo we dungwa taim i intonation units mo: yomba:, menda: ta:, fren pamara mo, i ta pi daxkwo, we dungwa taim i. words and morphemes mo yomba menda ta fren pa-mara mo i ta pi da-xkw-o we du-ngw-a taim i gloss or people outside INDEF friend lie-LOC or DEF INDEF go say-3P-SWITCHREF response say-3S.realis.really-def time DEF English free translation Or people outside who are friends or either of them go and call, and when he responds, TC 00:01:46.237 - 00:01:52.632 normative sentence (1.3) TC 00:01:52.632 - 00:01:53.951 normative sentence ana no pungi yomba goxkwa ikra intonation units Ana no pungi oh:, yomba goxkwa ikra:, words and morphemes ana no p-ung-i yomba go-xkw-a ikra gloss and 1P think-1P.REALLY-? people die-3P-DECL REL English free translation And we think that the deceased TC 00:01:53.951 - 00:01:56.615 normative sentence (1.0) TC 00:01:56.615 - 00:01:57.561 normative sentence ana yomba i wakai kan bengane yei moxk wan paibrika moxk wan paibrika intonation units ana yomba i wakai, kan uh, bengane yei, moxk wan paibrika, moxk wan paibrika. words and morphemes ana yomba i wakai kan bengane yei moxk wan pai-brik-a moxk wan pai-brik-a gloss and people DEF good see relationship stay stay go lie-2D.REALLY-DECL stay go lie-2D.REALLY-DECL English free translation And then he must have loved that person or must be in a good relationship. TC 00:01:57.561 - 00:02:03.261 normative sentence (1.5) TC 00:02:03.261 - 00:02:04.747 normative sentence yek di prisire moxk ana axke yomba i di tomgiwe ana intonation units Yek di prisire moxk ana, axke yomba i di tomgiwe, ana, words and morphemes yek di pri-sire moxk ana axke yomba i di to-mg-iwe ana gloss like(DM) say think-SEQ stay and so people DEF say give-1P.REALLY-? and English free translation We think like this and so we tell the deceased TC 00:02:04.747 - 00:02:08.522 normative sentence ana duwo denamniwo yek do dumgo mok intonation units ana duwo denamniwo yek do. Dumgo moxk. words and morphemes ana du-wo de-nam-n-i-wo yek d-o du-mg-o moxk gloss and say-come.IMP PATH-IRREALIS-1P-?-come.IMP like(DM) say-IMP say-1P.REALLY-SWITCHREF stay English free translation And then "come, let's go" that's what we say. TC 00:02:08.522 - 00:02:11.180 normative sentence (0.5) TC 00:02:11.180 - 00:02:11.668 normative sentence ana yaxk i pindre moxk intonation units Ana yaxk i, pindre moxk uh, words and morphemes ana yaxk i pi-ndre moxk gloss and man DEF go-SEQ stay English free translation And then that person goes, and then TC 00:02:11.668 - 00:02:13.577 normative sentence (1.1) TC 00:02:13.577 - 00:02:14.681 normative sentence yomba i pindre intonation units yomba i pindre:, words and morphemes yomba i pi-ndre gloss people DEF go-SEQ English free translation That person goes, TC 00:02:14.681 - 00:02:16.190 normative sentence (0.6) TC 00:02:16.190 - 00:02:16.797 normative sentence aiya enduwo pra menda kanana wan motga ya ormiwa ende namniwo yunguk yek dungwa taim i intonation units aiya enduwo, pra menda kanana wan motga, ya ormiwa, ende namniwo yunguk yek dungwa taim i, words and morphemes aiya endu-wo pra menda kanana wan mo-tg-a ya or-miw-a ende na-mn-iwo yunguk yek du-ngw-a taim i gloss hi PATH-come.IMP then outside long.time go stay-2S.REALLY-DECL that(DM) do-?-DECL go ?-1P-? inside like(DM) say-3.REALIS.REALLY-DECL time DEF English free translation "Hi, so you've been outside for a while, so come, let's go, home we go", that's what we said at that time. TC 00:02:16.797 - 00:02:21.904 normative sentence (1.2) TC 00:02:21.904 - 00:02:23.095 normative sentence ana yek kuri ta mosre kambeyaundo ya sirak tau maxki ere yeingwa kwiya daxk ende ikene umne dingwa intonation units ana yek kuri ta mosre:, kambeyaundo ya:, sirak tau maxki ere yeingwa kwiya. Daxk ende ikene umne dingwa. words and morphemes ana yek kuri ta mo-sre kambe-yaundo ya sirak tau maxki ere yei-ngw-a kwiya daxk ende ikene u-mne di-ngw-a gloss and like(DM) while INDEF stay-SEQ banana-leaf and thing some here.PROX do stay-3.REALIS.REALLY-DECL spirit call go return come-1P say-3.REALIS.REALLY-DECL English free translation And then for a while we stay, the banana leaves that we have, we call the spirit back, we say TC 00:02:23.095 - 00:02:30.249 normative sentence 0.393 TC 00:02:30.249 - 00:02:30.642 normative sentence kwiya daxk ende ikene yunguk umne dingwa moxk intonation units kwiya daxk ende ikene, yunguk umne dingwa moxk uh, words and morphemes kwiya daxk ende ikene yunguk u-mne di-ngw-a moxk gloss spirit call do return inside come-1P say-3.REALIS.REALLY-DECL stay English free translation We call the spirit back inside they say TC 00:02:30.642 - 00:02:33.136 normative sentence ana auri dipi yunguk pindre intonation units ana auri dipi: yunguk pindre, words and morphemes ana auri dipi yunguk pi-ndre gloss and accompany go inside go-SEQ English free translation and then we accompany the spirit TC 00:02:33.141 - 00:02:35.915 normative sentence (1.0) TC 00:02:35.920 - 00:02:36.922 normative sentence ana i intonation units ana i, words and morphemes ana i gloss and DEF English free translation and this TC 00:02:36.922 - 00:02:38.373 normative sentence (2.5) TC 00:02:38.373 - 00:02:40.858 normative sentence wakai pangwi yek mere intonation units wakai pangwi:, (1.2) (cough) yek mere. words and morphemes wakai pa-ngw-i (1.2) yek mere gloss good lie.3.REALIS.REALLY-? like(DM) this English free translation it's good because of like this TC 00:02:40.858 - 00:02:44.797 normative sentence (1.6) TC 00:02:44.797 - 00:02:46.380 normative sentence axke yomba kwiyano yomba gexkwa taim i intonation units axke yomba kwiyano, yomba gexkwa taim i, words and morphemes axke yomba kwiya-no yomba ge-xkw-a taim i gloss so people spirit-1P.POSS people die-3P-DECL time DEF English free translation so people's spirit, people die at that time TC 00:02:46.380 - 00:02:49.407 normative sentence (1.4) TC 00:02:49.407 - 00:02:50.820 normative sentence ana kwiyano menda i wan moxkme ana yek di punga intonation units ana, kwiyano menda i wan moxkme di:, ana yek di punga. words and morphemes ana kwiya-no menda i wan moxk-me di ana yek di pu-ng-a gloss and spirit-1P.POSS outside DEF go stay-QUOT PATH and like(DM) PATH think-1P.REALLY-DECL English free translation and then the spirit lives outside, we think TC 00:02:50.820 - 00:02:55.424 normative sentence (0.7) TC 00:02:55.433 - 00:02:56.415 normative sentence ana ta dipi nene kande moxkmara ta pikirkwa ta dipi intonation units ana: ta dipi:, nene kande moxkmara ta pikirikwa, ta dipi, words and morphemes ana ta dipi nene kande moxk-mara ta pi-kiri-kw-a ta dipi gloss and INDEF go father big stay-LOC INDEF go-NEG-3.REALIS.REALLY-DECL INDEF go English free translation and (we believe) they don't go to God or go TC 00:02:56.415 - 00:03:01.252 normative sentence (0.6) TC 00:03:01.252 - 00:03:01.939 normative sentence ana yaxk kinde moxkmara ta pikirkwa yek wan meixkme di punga intonation units ana yaxk kinde moxkmara ta pikirikwa, yek wan meixkme, di punga. words and morphemes ana yaxk kinde moxk-mara ta pi-kiri-kw-a yek wan meixk-me di p-ung-a gloss and man bad stay-LOC INDEF go-NEG-3.REALIS.REALLY-DECL like(DM) go stay-QUOT PATH think-1P.REALLY-DECL English free translation and they don't go to hell, they live around (us), we think TC 00:03:01.939 - 00:03:06.668 normative sentence 0.3) TC 00:03:06.668 - 00:03:06.982 normative sentence ana yek auri di ikene omga taim i ye no akeple dimendi yek di punga akeple dingwi intonation units Ana yek auri di ikene onga taim i, ye no akeple di mendi, yek di punga akeple dingwi, words and morphemes ana yek auri di ikene o-ng-a taim i ye no akeple di mendi yek di pu-ng-a akeple di-ngw-i gloss and like(DM) accompany go return go-1P.REALLY-DECL time DEF 3 1.PL help say ? like(DM) path think-1PL.REALLY-DECL help say-3.REALIS.REALLY-? English free translation and then we accompany them back, and at that time we think they help us TC 00:03:06.982 - 00:03:11.570 normative sentence no enge kinde ta yenan pre intonation units no enge kinde ta yenan pre:, words and morphemes no enge kinde ta ye-nan pre gloss 1.P time bad INDEF exist-COND so English free translation if there are bad times then TC 00:03:11.570 - 00:03:14.327 normative sentence (0.4) TC 00:03:14.327 - 00:03:14.726 normative sentence angai enge kinde bungim ere goramga mo intonation units angai enge kinde bungim ere, goramga mo, words and morphemes angai enge kinde bungim ere go-ra-mg-a mo gloss place DIST.DEM bad meet do die-IRREALIS-1P.REALLY-DECL or English free translation if we meet a bad place or time and if we are to die TC 00:03:14.726 - 00:03:17.431 normative sentence (1.1) TC 00:03:17.431 - 00:03:18.527 normative sentence ah, TC 00:03:18.527 - 00:03:19.395 normative sentence (1.2) TC 00:03:19.395 - 00:03:20.553 normative sentence (click) TC 00:03:20.553 - 00:03:20.779 normative sentence (1.4) TC 00:03:20.779 - 00:03:22.168 normative sentence sirak wakai ta no munara laif no mana kamap rambuxka mo intonation units Sirak wakai ta no, munara laif no mana kamap rambuxka mo, words and morphemes sirak wakai ta no mu-n-ara laif no mana kamap ra-mbuxk-a mo gloss thing good INDEF 1.P stay-1PL-SP.REL life 1.P LOC come.up do-3S.REALLY-DECL or English free translation something good will happen to us in our lives or TC 00:03:22.168 - 00:03:25.122 normative sentence (1.9) TC 00:03:25.122 - 00:03:27.057 normative sentence (click) TC 00:03:27.063 - 00:03:27.201 normative sentence yek mere ye axke murumbuko mexkwiwe ereme kan tangana kan intonation units yek mere ye axke murumbuko mexkwiwe, ereme kan tangana kan, words and morphemes yek mere ye axke murumbuko me-xkw-iwe ereme kan tangana kan gloss like(DM) this 3 time spirit stay.3.REALIS.REALLY-since today see tomorrow see English free translation and since they are a spirit, they see now and tomorrow (future) as well TC 00:03:27.212 - 00:03:30.361 normative sentence (0.3) TC 00:03:30.361 - 00:03:30.636 normative sentence oku iro kan ye kan kondingwi pre moxk no intonation units oku iro kan, (0.8) ye kan kondingwi pre moxk no, words and morphemes oku iro kan ye kan kond-ingw-i pre moxk no gloss later DIST.LOC see 3 s finish-3P.REALIS.REALLY-? so stay 1P English free translation they see the future already so we TC 00:03:30.636 - 00:03:34.153 normative sentence (0.4) TC 00:03:34.153 - 00:03:34.584 normative sentence no auri di ikene umga taim i ye moxk no pungi ye no strong nosre intonation units no auri di ikene umga taim i:, ye moxk uh, (0.3) no pungi ye no strong nosre:, words and morphemes no auri di ikene u-mg-a taim i ye moxk no p-ung-i ye no strong no-sre gloss 1P accompany go return come-1P.REALLY-DECL time DEF 3 stay 1P think-1P.REALLY-? 3 1P strong give-SEQ English free translation when we bring them back we believe they give us the strength TC 00:03:34.584 - 00:03:39.245 normative sentence (0.3) TC 00:03:39.245 - 00:03:39.743 normative sentence no akeple dindre yek ereme di punga moxk intonation units no akeple dindre, yek ereme di punga moxk, words and morphemes no akeple di-ndre yek ereme di p-ung-a moxk gloss 1P help say-SEQ like(DM) today PATH think-1P.REALLY-DECL stay English free translation they help us now, we think TC 00:03:39.743 - 00:03:42.521 normative sentence (0.6) TC 00:03:42.521 - 00:03:43.119 normative sentence i axke importn kaima pangwa pre moxk axke kwiyano daxk di yunguk intonation units um i axke, importn kaima pangwa, pre moxk axke, kwiyano daxk di yunguk. words and morphemes i axke importn kaima pa-ngw-a pre moxk axke kwiya-no daxk di yunguk gloss DEF so important very lie-3.REALIS.REALLY-DEF so stay so spirit call PATH inside English free translation and this is important so we have to bring the spirit back home TC 00:03:43.119 - 00:03:48.216 normative sentence (1.9) TC 00:03:48.221 - 00:03:50.163 normative sentence yek erere onga intonation units Yek erere onga. words and morphemes yek ere-re o-ng-a gloss like(DM) do-do dp-1S.REALLY-DECL English free translation and that's what we do TC 00:03:50.168 - 00:03:51.103