Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Upper Divison English, clip 10 of 10

Place-based WAC/WID Hui
Henry, Jim
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Brief excerpt from interview: I think just doing research and finding out about the place you grew up in and lived in will always stay with you... It's really interesting to look back at your work... so I feel like it's hard to put so much research and so much thought and energy into a paper when you have four other classes to balance, so I'd like to probably go back and do more research about the stream. Figure out what I can do to help, maybe figure out what I can do to fight the Kahuku fight. I don't remember [my other Writing Intensive courses]. I really don't... I remember everything about Candace's class, because they're so personal to me. The papers in the other Writing Intensives, you're writing just to write it... Some professors just want you to write what they want to hear. But Candace - she really is invested in what you have to say, and I think that's why the writing I've done for her class is so memorable, because I'm so personally invested in it. [It is inspiring to be a writer] when you're connected to the things you're writing about. At least for me. There's so much research that goes into writing a novel... but I just don't see it. Maybe that's just a testament to the good writing they do. I think that's why Professor Fujikane makes us write a moʻolelo and makes us write a connection part to our paper, so that our readers can better understand such a boring subject like stream preservation.
This item includes a segment of a student interview in a Writing Intensive course in Upper Divison English at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. The interview was conducted in 2014, and in this clip the interviewee is responding to the question 'Regardless of your plans, will this course or the writing in it remain with you? If so, how?'
place-based writing, writing across the curriculum, writing in the disciplines, Writing Intensive courses, scholarship of teaching and learning, writing pedagogy, general education requirements, identity, sense of place, educational context, challenge/solution, kind of learning, research, place, researching place, student background, student identity, authorship, childrens books, environmental preservation, makiki stream, streams, reflection, course load, student motivation, student energy, continued learning, continued research, student activism, assessment, instructor identity, instructor values, grading, valuing student voices, student investment in writing, inspiration to write, writing a novel, moolelo, personal connection, research, research writing, write book, stream, student motivation, student activism, Writing Intensive, personal connection, writing inspiration, instructor values, novel writing, writing assumptions, writing genre
Ting-Beach, Tammy. 'Student interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Upper Divison English, clip 10 of 10.' Interview with Jim Henry. Scholarspace. Sep. 2015. Web.
Duration: 00:04:18
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